How Not To Be A Jerk At Work
Photo by Morgan Basham on Unsplash

How Not To Be A Jerk At Work

Hey, today is 'be-nice-to-your-co-worker' day. Oh wait. Shouldn't that be every single day of the week.

Now, I know some of you out there are already thinking, "Well, I'm not a jerk! It's those other jerks who are the problem!" Hold on there, buddy. Herein lies the rub.

Before you go pointing fingers at everyone else, let's take a closer look at what might be causing your own jerk-like behaviour. It’s introspection time, baby.

If this kind of thing makes you uncomfortable, now is a good time to click away. Because what follows may make you want to re-examine your behaviour. And that can be a tad more uncomfortable than you like. ?

Still here? All right, just remember this was your choice.

First, let's talk about some common reasons often used to justify jerk behaviour. The most common being – “I’m so stressed!”

We've all been there, right? You've got deadlines looming, your manager (or worse) the super-boss is breathing down your neck, and your co-workers are driving you nuts.

It's easy to snap and lash out at the first person who crosses your path. But here's the thing: stress is not an excuse to be an a**hole to others. Figure out how to manage your stress.

Whether that means taking a walk, deep breathing, or seeking out professional help… you’re the best judge of how you can de-stress.

I believe the Number 1 reason that creates most of jerks at work is insecurity. The threat of losing your livelihood is a powerful fear and drives a lot of the jerk behaviour.

If everyone at work was secure, there’ll be fewer jerks around.

Ask yourself this… do you feel insecure at work? Maybe you feel threatened by a colleague who seems to be doing better than you, or maybe you're worried that your job is in peril.

Whatever the case may be, it's important to remember that your insecurity is your own issue to deal with. You just can’t pile on your insecurity on someone else. That won’t do. ?

Instead how about you focus on building yourself up through hard work and self-improvement. It’s a lot more gratifying than plotting and politicking. Trust me.

Sure, there will always be some people out there who are just plain jerks, no matter how you slice it. Maybe they were raised in a toxic environment, had terrible past work experiences, maybe they got bullied in school, or maybe they just have a personality disorder.

Whatever the case, it's still up to us to treat jerks with respect, even when they don't do the same for us.

10 Ways To Stop Being a Jerk at Work

So how do you avoid being a workplace jerk? Look, I’m no psycho-analyst or self-help guru, so don’t expect a deep dive from me. There are far more qualified people who can help you with this. However, for what they’re worth, here are some common-sense tips:

1.????Don't be a know-it-all. Nobody likes a pompous, self-important jackass who thinks they're better than everyone else. So keep your ego in check and try not to act like you're the God’s gift to humankind.?

2.????Stop gossiping like society aunties. I mean, seriously, you have nothing better to do than talk about who's dating who and who’s getting a firing? Mind your own damn business and focus on your own work.

3.????Don't be a slacker. I'm not saying you must work yourself into an early grave, but at least do your job and don't make everyone else pick up your slack. And please, don't blame someone else for your lack of effort. That's just lame. And fast tracks anyone to being labelled a jerk.

4.????Don't be a brown-noser. We all know who the boss's pet is, and it's not a good look. If you want to get ahead, do it on your own merits, not by kissing up to the higher-ups. Flattery will get you everywhere faster. Including on top of the office jerk list.

5.????Don't be a whiner. School’s over buddy. Nobody wants to hear your constant complaints about how hard you work or how much you hate your boss. If you don't like your job, find a new one. And if you can't find a new one, suck it up and deal with it like an adult.

6.????Stop micromanaging. Like seriously. If you're in charge of a team, trust your team to do their jobs without breathing down their necks every five minutes. Set expectations, and then mind your own business and let your co-workers do their jobs.

7.????Don't be a slob. Clean up after yourself, for God's sake. Nobody wants to sit in a filthy meeting room or use a toilet that looks like a war zone. Show some basic decency and respect for your colleagues. Slobs equal jerks.

8.????Don't be a bully. If you're using your position of power to belittle or intimidate your co-workers, you're a jerk. Think back and you will realise it’s most likely due to some underlying factors like childhood trauma. May be it's time to get rid of them to start treating people like a decent human being.

9.????Stop stealing. Don't take things that don't belong to you, whether it's credit for someone else’s work or office supplies. That's just going to make you look like a jerk.

10.?And finally, don't be an unconscious jerk. It's not that complicated. Stop saying 'I did/said what I did because I wasn’t thinking straight'. What? You’ve come to office high on something? Be aware of what you say and do when others are involved.

Well, that's all the advice I have for you today, folks. Now get back to work and try not to be a bunch of jerks, okay?

#work #humanresources #office #people


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