How JavaScript Works: A Comprehensive Deep Dive

How JavaScript Works: A Comprehensive Deep Dive

JavaScript is a programming language that lets you make web pages interactive. Think of it as the part of a website that responds to what you do, like clicking a button, filling out a form, or playing a video. It’s what makes web pages come to life and feel more like an app rather than just a static page.

JavaScript is also synchronous and single-threaded, meaning it runs one command at a time in the order they’re written. If one command takes a while, it can pause the others until it’s done.

Understanding how JavaScript works involves several key concepts:

1. JavaScript Engine: This is the core component that executes JavaScript code. Examples include Google V8 (used in Chrome and Node.js), SpiderMonkey (used in Firefox), and JavaScriptCore (used in Safari).

2. Execution Context: The environment in which JavaScript code is executed. It has three main parts:

  • Variable Object: Stores function arguments, local variables, and function declarations.
  • Scope Chain: Contains the current and all parent execution contexts.
  • this: Refers to the object to which the function belongs.

3. Call Stack: A mechanism for tracking the execution of functions. When a function is called, it is added to the stack. When it is complete, it is removed from the stack.

4. Event Loop: Handles asynchronous operations. It continuously checks the call stack and the message queue. If the call stack is empty, it pushes the first callback from the queue to the stack for execution.

5. Web APIs: Browser-provided functionalities (like setTimeout, DOM manipulation, and fetch) that JavaScript can be used for asynchronous tasks.

1. JavaScript Engine

The JavaScript engine is a crucial component of web browsers and Node.js environments that execute JavaScript code. It takes JavaScript code, interprets it, and converts it into actions that your computer can perform. Here’s a simple breakdown of how it works:

  1. Parsing: The engine starts by parsing the JavaScript code. It reads the code and converts it into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), a hierarchical tree representation of the code’s structure.
  2. Compilation: The AST is then compiled into bytecode, which is a lower-level, intermediate representation of the code that the engine can execute more efficiently.
  3. Execution: The bytecode is executed by the JavaScript engine. Modern engines use Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation to convert frequently executed bytecode into machine code (native code) for even faster execution.
  4. Garbage Collection: The engine manages memory by automatically cleaning up unused objects, ensuring efficient memory use and preventing memory leaks.

Key Components

  1. Parser: Converts JavaScript code into an AST.
  2. Interpreter: Executes the bytecode derived from the AST.
  3. JIT Compiler: Optimizes frequently executed code by compiling it into machine code.
  4. Garbage Collector: Reclaims memory by removing objects that are no longer needed.


Consider the following simple JavaScript code

let message = 'Hello, World!';

When executed:

  1. Parsing: The engine parses the code to create an AST.
  2. Compilation: The AST is compiled into bytecode.
  3. Execution: The bytecode is run, which prints “Hello, World!” to the console.
  4. Garbage Collection: The engine cleans up memory after execution.

In summary, the JavaScript engine is responsible for executing JavaScript code by parsing, compiling, and running it, while also managing memory to ensure efficient performance.

2. Execution Context

Execution context example

In JavaScript, an Execution Context is like a workspace where your code runs. Think of it as a setup that holds everything your code needs while it’s running, like variables, functions, and objects.

When JavaScript runs your code, it creates this workspace to manage how everything works together. Understanding how this workspace works helps you figure out how JavaScript handles things like where to find variables, how functions work, and how different parts of your code interact.

1. What is an Execution Context?

An Execution Context is a container that holds information about the environment in which the JavaScript code is executed. It includes the variable environment, scope chain, and this binding.

2. Types of Execution Contexts

  • Global Execution Context: Created when JavaScript code starts running. It is the default context for all global code. It sets up the global object (window in browsers or global in Node.js), and this refers to the global object.
  • Function Execution Context: Created whenever a function is invoked. Each function call has its own execution context. It contains the function’s local variables, arguments, and the function’s this value.
  • Eval Execution Context: Created when the eval function is used to execute a string of JavaScript code. This is less common but still an important concept.

Phases of Execution Context Creation

1. Creation Phase:

  • Variable Object: Initialize variables and functions. Variables are hoisted but not initialized.
  • Scope Chain: Set up to include references to parent contexts.
  • this Binding: Determine what this refers to in the current context.

2. Execution Phase:

  • Code Execution: Execute the code line by line, using the variable object and scope chain to resolve variables and function calls.


Consider the following code

function greet(name) {
    let message = 'Hello, ' + name;


Execution Context for greet Function

1. Creation Phase:

Variable Object:

name: Mahela (from function argument)

message: Not yet initialized (declared but not assigned)

  • Scope Chain: Points to the global context and any outer functions.
  • this Binding: Refers to the global object in this case (or undefined in strict mode).

2. Execution Phase:

  • Code Execution:

message = 'Hello, Mahela' (value assigned to message).

console.log(message) (prints "Hello, Mahela").

An Execution Context is a critical concept in JavaScript that defines the environment for executing code. It helps manage variable and function scopes and determines how this are bound. Understanding execution contexts is essential for debugging, writing efficient code, and grasping advanced JavaScript concepts.

3. Call Stack

The call stack in JavaScript is like a to-do list for the JavaScript engine. It keeps track of what functions are being executed and in what order.

Here’s a simple way to think about it:

  1. When a function is called, it gets added to the top of the call stack.
  2. As the function runs, it might call other functions, which get added to the top of the stack as well.
  3. Once a function finishes executing, it gets removed from the stack, and the JavaScript engine goes back to the function below it.

So, the call stack helps JavaScript manage function execution, making sure everything happens in the correct sequence

4. Event Loop

Event loop example

The event loop is responsible for handling asynchronous callbacks. It continuously checks the call stack to see if it’s empty, and if it is, it pushes the first item from the message queue to the call stack for execution.


setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);


Execution Flow:

  1. console.log('Start') is executed → "Start" is printed.
  2. setTimeout is called → callback is added to the message queue.
  3. console.log('End') is executed → "End" is printed.
  4. Call stack is empty → Event loop pushes the callback from the message queue to the stack.
  5. Callback is executed → “Timeout” is printed.

Task Queues

There are two main types of queues where tasks (functions) can wait before they’re executed:

1. Macro Task Queue (or Task Queue):

  • Contains: Tasks like setTimeout, setInterval, and I/O operations.
  • Executed: After the call stack is empty and before the microtasks are executed.
  • Example: If you use setTimeout to delay a function, that function goes into the macro task queue.

2. Micro Task Queue (or Job Queue):

  • Contains: Tasks like promises and process.nextTick (in Node.js).
  • Executed: Right after the call stack is cleared and before any macro tasks are executed.
  • Example: If you have a promise that resolves, the code in the .then block will be added to the micro task queue.

How It Works

  1. Execution Starts: JavaScript executes code in the call stack.
  2. Micro Tasks First: Once the call stack is empty, the event loop looks at the micro task queue and executes all tasks there.
  3. Then Macro Tasks: After all micro tasks are done, the event loop picks the next macro task from the macro task queue and executes it.

5. Web APIs

Web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) in JavaScript are sets of functions and tools provided by the browser or environment that allow you to interact with and manipulate the web page or browser features. They help you access and control different parts of the browser and the web.

Key Points About Web APIs:

  1. What They Do: Web APIs provide a way to access features like making network requests, handling user interactions, and manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model).
  2. Examples:

  • DOM API: Allows you to interact with HTML and CSS on the page. For example, document.getElementById and document.querySelector.
  • Fetch API: Lets you make network requests to retrieve or send data. For example, fetch(url) to get data from a server.
  • Geolocation API: Provides access to the user’s location. For example, navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition.
  • Canvas API: Lets you draw graphics and animations on a web page. For example, canvas.getContext('2d') to get the 2D drawing context.

3. How They Work: Web APIs are built into the browser and are available globally in your JavaScript code. When you use them, they perform actions or return information based on the browser’s implementation.

4. Asynchronous Nature: Many Web APIs operate asynchronously, meaning they don’t block the rest of your code from running. For example, fetch returns a promise that resolves when the network request is complete.

Example of Using a Web API

Here’s a simple example using the Fetch API to get data from a server:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => {
    console.log(data); // Handle the data from the server
  .catch(error => {
    console.error('Error:', error); // Handle any errors

Web APIs are essential for building modern web applications, providing the tools needed to create interactive and dynamic web experiences.


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