How Jammu and Kashmir Bills Passed by Modi-Shah Government Will Transform the Region
The Modi-Shah government passed two historic bills in the Lok Sabha that aim to address the long-standing issues in Jammu and Kashmir. These bills will provide representation to marginalized communities, promote economic growth, and prioritize security in the region. They will also shed light on the history, administration, and strategic significance of PoK, the region that has been a bone of contention between India and Pakistan for decades.
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The two bills, the Jammu and Kashmir Reservation Amendment Bill and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Amendment Bill, are a significant step towards resolving historical injustices and creating a brighter future for the region. By giving representation to various categories, including Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, economically weaker sections, Kashmiri migrants, and displaced persons from PoK, these bills will empower the people of J&K and ensure their welfare. By increasing the number of assembly seats and empowering the Lieutenant Governor, these bills will enhance the democratic process and the governance in the region. By promising to hold elections, grant statehood, and eradicate terrorism, these bills will restore peace and normalcy in the region.
The bills will also reveal the facts about PoK, the region that has been disputed by India and Pakistan for decades. PoK was historically part of the princely state of Jammu and Kashmir, which was ruled by Maharaja Hari Singh. In 1947, when India and Pakistan gained independence from the British, the princely states were given the option of joining either country or remaining independent. Hari Singh chose to remain independent, but faced an invasion from Pakistan-backed tribal militias who wanted to annex Kashmir to Pakistan. Hari Singh then signed an Instrument of Accession with India, which gave India control over defense, external affairs and communications of Jammu and Kashmir. India sent its troops to repel the invaders, but the war ended with a ceasefire in 1949, leaving a part of Kashmir under Pakistani control. This part became known as PoK.
India considers PoK as an integral part of its territory and has repeatedly demanded Pakistan to vacate it. Pakistan, on the other hand, claims that PoK is a self-governing entity and that the people of Kashmir have the right to self-determination. The status of PoK has been a major source of conflict and tension between the two countries, and has led to several wars and skirmishes. The United Nations has also been involved in trying to resolve the dispute, but without much success.
PoK has a complex political and administrative structure, with limited autonomy and representation. AJK has its own elected president, prime minister, legislative assembly and supreme court, but is subject to the authority of the Pakistan-administered Kashmir Council, which is headed by the prime minister of Pakistan. Gilgit-Baltistan has a similar arrangement, but with a governor instead of a president. Both regions are also dependent on Pakistan for financial and military support, and face issues such as human rights violations, corruption, poverty and terrorism.
PoK is also strategically important for both India and Pakistan, as it borders China and Afghanistan, and contains vital natural resources and infrastructure. PoK is home to several rivers, glaciers, mountains and forests, which provide water, energy and tourism potential. PoK also hosts the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a multi-billion dollar project that aims to connect China’s Xinjiang province with Pakistan’s Gwadar port through a network of roads, railways, pipelines and power plants. India has objected to the CPEC, as it passes through PoK, which it considers as its sovereign territory.
Understanding PoK’s historical background, administrative structure, and strategic significance is crucial for comprehending the complexities of the Kashmir issue and its enduring impact on regional dynamics.
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