Rabbi Yonah Bookstein
Rabbi ?? Sharing wisdom & inspiration ?? #ShabbatVibes #Spirituality #connection #community
"Everyone according to to his blessing did he bless them." (Breishit 49:28)
The last words of the blessing that Jacob gives his sons is a bit mysterious. Rashi explains that Jacob gave each son, and therefore each Tribe, a blessing that was appropriate and specific. Additionally, he gave them an another blessing, a comprehensive inclusive blessing. Rabbi Yeruchem and Rabbi Twerski explain a bit more what was going on.
Each Tribe was blessed to enhance the innate potential they had and bring it to fruition. Each tribe had its strengths and Jacob's blessing was that they would be able to actualize this potential.
This lesson is an effective formula also for character development!
Each of us has been been blessed by God with innate and unique traits, places where we naturally have talents and ability to excel. By working on these strong areas, we can build up these parts of ourselves. This creates a ripple effect, for we as we become masters of one thing, excelling in that area of our lives, it will raise up our overall character and lives.
So many times we fail in our attempts because we are focused on our weaknesses, the places where we need the most work.
Jacob's blessing can be seen as a way to personal growth.
Look at the things that you are good at. Work at becoming a master of that innate talent and blessing you have.
Let that become something you are known for, and a place of strength and growth.
May God bless all of us to be able to channel the innate blessings that God has given us and may we merit a Great Blessing from above with The Great Shabbat of Redemption.