How “It’s All About Me” Can Be the Most Loving and Productive Thing You Do
Bill Jensen
Seasoned Strategist and Proven Problem Solver: Expert in strategy, leading complex, tech-driven, global, enterprise-wide transformations and change programs.
My friends at August consulting, based in Brooklyn, NY, are amazing! Not only are they helping companies transform the way they work, they are also hyper-transparent in sharing what they’ve learned and in sharing their tools. On their site you’ll find Steal Our Stuff!, which links to their public Google Drive.
A Manual for Working With Me
This manual is one of the tools that’s available on their public drive. They cite entrepreneur David Politis for the inspiration.
The manual asks 15 questions that most of us don’t give enough thought to, and rarely communicate to others. It makes the implicit and intangible explicit and usefully real.
e.g., What are some honest, unfiltered things about you? ? What drives you nuts? ? What are your quirks? ? What's the best way to communicate with you? ? Politis actually gives his manual to his new teammates, and encourages them to do the same for themselves. Direct, upfront: “Here’s the best way to work with me.”
Ideally, it would be wonderful if all of us did that. Would save a lot of time, misunderstandings, confusion, and occasional frustration.
But even if you choose not distribute the manual to others, at the very least, answer the questions as an introspective journaling exercise.
You will be amazed at what happens what you make your implicit ways of working explicit to yourself!
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Bill Jensen Site, Twitter, FB. Bill’s latest book, Future Strong, is about the five deeply personal choices each of us must make to be ready for all the disruptive tomorrows heading our way.