How Investing In Your Own Leadership Skills Can Boost Business Growth
I was stunned while reading this article about How Investing In Your Own Leadership Skills Can Boost Business Growth. Here are some of them:
Great leaders come in many shapes and forms, but one trait they all appear to share in common is their ability to motivate and inspire others. Though this should go without saying, motivation and inspiration within the ranks offers organisations a very useful byproduct: the increased potential for business growth.
While organisations could still be preparing the next wave of leaders to step up as previous generations retire, there are things you can do to take control of your own leadership development in the meantime. Even if you’re currently in a leadership role, you should explore opportunities to further develop your skills to encourage business growth.
Here are just a few ideas to get you started:???????
1. Surround yourself with fellow leaders to help each other problem-solve.
Making learning a priority can certainly help you grow as a leader. Leadership training is generally a solid investment. If dedicated training isn't for you, then even just 15 to 30 minutes a day devoted to reading a book, perusing an article, or listening to a podcast on leadership can build your knowledge of different processes and procedures. Sometimes, you'll need an outside perspective to accelerate your development.
Leaders need other leaders to challenge their assumptions and push the boundaries of what to expect from themselves. It’s all about finding the right circle of influence to truly understand what you’re capable of.
2. Get better at receiving feedback.
It’s no secret that feedback can be valuable, as it offers you a unique opportunity to learn and increase your self-awareness. Whether on the giving or receiving end, however, it isn’t always a comfortable scenario. The mere thought of feedback can make even the most seasoned of professionals feel a bit anxious. Both parties are in a vulnerable position.
Getting better at receiving feedback takes more than merely asking someone, “How am I doing?” Such an open-ended question leaves too much room for interpretation. Even if you’ve been working with a mentor or participating in a mastermind community, you may hear nothing more than broad strokes about your performance as a response. You need to be more explicit and specific in your request for feedback.
3. Establish a time for reflection and strategy.
Reflection is often thought of as looking back on where you’ve been. While a part of the practice, it also entails taking stock of where you are currently and where you want to be in the future—and is an essential component of leadership growth. Without reflection, you would be hamstrung when trying to set benchmarks for yourself and your team. You’d also lack the means to truly assess your performance or that of employees.
Being in a leadership role, you likely know that the best form of training and development is one that’s personalised to the individual. It only stands to reason that you should tailor your personal leadership training through self-reflection and constructive criticism from peers in similar positions—making it really about your abilities and experiences. It’s just a matter of setting aside the time not only for learning but for finding opportunities to enhance your skills.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at [email protected]; or call me on 0467 749 378.