How To Invest in 9 Simple Steps

How To Invest in 9 Simple Steps

The world of investments is a very uncertain, and daunting, field for many young investors. As an investor, you may feel threatened by the constant swing of the markets. The excitement of a bull trend may have you jumping up and down in joy, followed shortly by the deep despair of a bear market. It is for young and intermediate investors, such as yourselves, that this Investment Task Card has been developed.

On average, there is a market correction at least twice a year, and a bear market at least once every three years. After reading and actioning this task card, time will enable you to face these periods of global despair with calm control. You will soon view bear markets as a world of opportunity.

This task card will help you implement a strategic investment plan in nine simple steps. The theories discussed have been developed through years of research into business strategy and a wide range of investment techniques. Many mainstream advisers will talk about the benefits of diversifying a portfolio – commonly through index funds – to ensure consistent positive returns over a broad market spread. This task card does not. Instead, it focuses on selecting competitive companies within their industries to ensure the exponential growth of your investment portfolio. It capitalizes on advice gained from some of the most successful investors such as Warren Buffet and Benjamin Graham, incorporating simple steps to analyse a company within its industry to make calculated and informed long-term investment decisions.

The Investment Task Card is available via Kindle. ASIN: B079M8G3Z2


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