How to Interview an Exec,Find & Keep Business in a Recession,Great Sales Managers,Listening is Key,Write an Exceptional White Paper for a B2B Brand??

How to Interview an Exec,Find & Keep Business in a Recession,Great Sales Managers,Listening is Key,Write an Exceptional White Paper for a B2B Brand??

How To Find (And Keep) New Business In The Face Of A Recession [TheDrum]

Mike Kapetanovic in this piece provides pointed advice towards the best practices for agencies looking to “keep a hold of clients.”

While outlooks may appear grim, Kapetanovic tells readers: “the truth is that advertising isn’t going anywhere..”

Be fearless, Be calculated!

Perfect outreach email for more sales ??

"Many years ago, I was leading an agency in flux. We had just been notified that one of our largest clients was entering a period of consolidation and would no longer be needing our services. We were on the outside looking in and, for a moment, we all felt helpless.

But a few minutes after getting the news, I went to my desk and (admittedly, without much prior thought) began typing the following email:

Subject: We drove $2bn in sales for your market leader, let’s chat.

Message: Hi there, we’ve never met – I’ll keep it short. For the past decade, we’ve driven $2bn in sales for [Client Name] at a 20:1 ROI. We’re no longer working with them and are confident you can capture market share. Let’s chat.

It worked.

'Within minutes, I had three CMOs call me looking to chat. Within a month, we landed our former client’s biggest competitor.'


Are you ready to be fearless?! ??

Lessons from Keith Rabois Essay 2: How to Interview an Executive []

An essay on on how to interview an executive, which may also be helpful to read when preparing to be interviewed!

Hiring the proper executive is one of the most powerful things a CEO can do. It's possible that hiring the incorrect individual will cause your business to lose months or even kill it off entirely.

There are 5 specific traits that candidates should excel in to be offered the job position. If they're a senior hire, they should meet multiple dimensions of excellence, but you can look for these same traits to identify high potential junior hires as well.

Lessons from Keith Rabois Essay 2: How to Interview an Executive

How Marketing Leaders Can Steer Their Brands Through Inflation [Fast Company]

“Marketers have the opportunity to not only curb inflationary pressures, but to also come out ahead as leaders in the industry by making the right performance improvements with the right marketing resources and tools,” writes David Steinberg.

Steinberg outlines specific areas of improvement for marketers to navigate a highly inflated economy, including strategies like:

1. Accelerate Digital Transformation

2. Focus On Hyper-Targeting

3. Spend Judiciously, But Don’t Cut The Marketing Budget

Although it is vital to maintain productivity during this difficult time, do not mistake surviving for thriving.

The goal should be to increase efficiency and help the business move forward so that it can emerge stronger from this crisis.

How To Write an Exceptional White Paper for Your B2B Brand [ContentMarketingInstitute]

In this article, Sarah Parker explains the 7 critical phases for developing a successful white paper for B2B marketing.

Every step of a white paper needs to help your reader to make an informed decision!

She notes that a white paper “must match your marketing challenges, be structured to generate leads, address your target audience, define the scope, present evidence, offer a conclusion, and contain an effective call to action. Then it needs a proven argument and a logical structure to hold together”.

  1. Pick the right type
  2. Structure it to generate leads
  3. Craft an attention-grabbing title
  4. Write a persuasive executive summary
  5. Present facts and evidence
  6. Offer a conclusion
  7. Include a call to action

A white paper can become the most influential resource in an organization’s buying decision, as it is passed from stakeholder to stakeholder.

Are you prepared to produce a fantastic piece of work?

What Makes Innovation Partnerships Succeed [HBR]

In this article, the authors analyse what exactly makes pushes for innovations work.

As many companies are “aggressively pursuing breakthrough innovations,” taking stock of best practices around cultivating successful partnerships among companies (especially in tech) is of high importance. The authors note: “Innovation partnerships offer many advantages. They offset R&D costs, add expertise and flexibility, and help create new markets. They can also accelerate innovation and commercialization timelines...The problem is, the majority of these collaborations fail, especially when it comes to actually making breakthroughs.”

In today's business world, more and more companies are trying to create breakthrough innovations. While this is a great goal, it can be difficult to achieve without partnering with other businesses who have their own goals and interests. This can often be easier said than done as both parties need to find common ground in order for the partnership to succeed.

In a fast-moving sector like the technology industry, partnerships are especially vital. The authors describe Meta's efforts to create effective innovation collaboration with other businesses in this post, as well as advise for leaders wanting to follow suit.

"In the end, it all comes down to trust. If you want to efficiently develop and commercialize breakthrough innovations, you need to collaborate with partners who will come to the table with their own interests, expectations, and concerns. To establish trust and develop a productive collaboration in this situation, you’ll need to establish clear, win-win rules of engagement and figure out how to allocate risk fairly. If you can manage that, you’ll be able to navigate the conflicts and concerns that will inevitably arise, and you’ll be able not only to sustain but also accelerate your innovation."

The Data-Driven Enterprise of 2025 [McKinsey]

AI and data will drive businesses, in the near-future!

By 2025, smart workflows and seamless interactions among humans and machines will likely be as standard as the corporate balance sheet, and most employees will use data to optimize nearly every aspect of their work.

2025 isn’t too far off!

This guide is intended to help executives understand the characteristics of the new data-driven enterprise and the capabilities they enable. It also provides resources to dive deeper on how to embed them in your organization.

Seven characteristics will define this new data-driven enterprise, and we’ve already seen many companies exhibit at least some of them, with many more beginning the journey to do so.

Characteristic 1 - Data embedded in every decision, interaction, and process

Characteristic 2 - Data is processed and delivered in real time

Characteristic 3 - Flexible data stores enable integrated, ready-to-use data

Characteristic 4 - Data operating model treats data like a product

Characteristic 5 - The chief data officer’s role is expanded to generate value

Characteristic 6 - Data-ecosystem memberships are the norm

Characteristic 7 - Data management is prioritized and automated for privacy, security, and resiliency

Kantar: Southeast Asia Winners Reveal What Makes Digital Ads Effective [Smartbrief]

In this article, the author identifies key commonalities among different digital advertising campaigns that won Kantar’s 2022 Digital Creative Awards.

Jo Hamilton relays the 5 creative themes found among all of the winners, allowing readers to apply similar strategies to their own work.

  • Unique content designed for use across platforms.
  • Delivering product news through fun, innovative demos.
  • Breaking category stereotypes empathetically.
  • Communicating brand DNA while recognizing and embracing local nuances.
  • Making ad length an advantage with clever, brief messaging.

“Brands who put authenticity and courageous creativity at the core of their plans are the ones who generate the most brand love,” said Maggie Lower, chief marketing officer of Hootsuite.

10 Characteristics of Great Sales Managers [TheSalesBlog]

In this post, Anthony Iannarino offers ten characteristics that many great sales managers share, including:

  1. Knowing each individual on their team
  2. Developing individuals
  3. Loving coaching
  4. Focusing on effectiveness
  5. Teaching principles
  6. Using positive accountability
  7. Transferring their relevant experience
  8. Reading books
  9. Providing structure
  10. Protecting their sales force

Iannarino digs into each characteristic and offers a high-level overview of what each trait is and why it should be important to a successful sales manager.

Perfecting Pipeline Management to Boost B2B Sales [B2B Marketing]

"Today’s B2B sales and marketing environment is challenging and a sustainable flow of sales is vital for success. To achieve this, the sales pipeline must be robust, measurable and transparent. Here’s how you can get that."

In this article, John Cheney discusses the importance of a dependable sales pipeline and offers suggestions about what every good pipeline should entail.

He emphasises the need to prioritize valuable leads, evaluate and evolve pipeline processes regularly, and take advantage of CRM technology.

By identifying the most effective activities, the sales and marketing process can be continually improved upon!

Listening Is the Key to Effective Communication [How We Lead]

Ken Blanchard in this blog post underlines the importance and value of good listening in communication.

It’s no surprise that being a good listener is a frequent trait of good communicators, especially good leaders: “people want to know their manager cares about what they think,” writes Blanchard.

Blanchard then offers some easy-to-implement tips on how to improve your own listening.

  • Remember this phrase: Listen with the intent of understanding and being influenced by the other person.
  • Do your best to eliminate distractions....
  • Ask open-ended questions to get the other person talking and to gain clarity.
  • Resist the temptation to jump in during silent moments....
  • Acknowledge any emotions the other person is expressing and reflect their feelings back to them to demonstrate you understand and empathize.
  • My son, Scott, says “Listen more than you talk. Listen more than is comfortable. Listen more than you already do.”


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