How intelligence manifests as per yogic science
There are 4 levels of speech mentioned in yogic texts (ex. Lalita Sahasranama).
Para, Pashyanti, Madhyama and Vaikhari.
Para means beyond. Simply put its the source field of all knowledge but is itself unknowable. It's beyond reach.
When some knowledge from this infinite field descends to a level that is knowable or perceivable it's called Pashyanti. This level is accessible in deep state of meditation or focus.
Someone in such a state may be able to descend it to the level of thought. In this state it's called Madhyama - between state.
When this thought is expressed as spoken words it's called - Vaikhari. It's the grossest level of expression.
Current LLM based AI relies on the fraction of Vaikhari that is written (digitized) and available in public domain to scrape(legally or otherwise).
What present day AI does is move laterally in the vast but finite space of Vaikhari.
The hope and hype is that it is possible to move vertically up all the way to the top (source field of intelligence) by throwing more chips, energy and data at it.
Human system can't process the vast amounts of data that the chips can do but it can do something unique.
In a state of meditative focus it can tap into Pashyanti and bring it down to the level of Madhyama and express it out as Vaikhari. It's the output of this process that is considered creation or invention.
Each human being is inherently endowed with this ability and it can be developed and fine tuned as much as we want. All the data that goes into training AI was obtained this way and there is no limit to how much more humans can collectively access.
Two ways to develop this human faculty is: