How to Instantly Connect With Anyone
Marty Wilson CSP
?????? Multi-Award Winning Change & Resilience Motivational Speaker ? former Australian Comic of the Year
Hi there,
TED Speaker and former Australian Comic of the Year, Marty Wilson from More Funny, More Money coming to you again with another tip on how to use humour as your secret weapon in business.
And today, I'm going to talk to you about how to instantly connect with people particularly through times of change, which can be quite stressful.
The number one tip I give is laugh at yourself.
A study in the Journal of Neuroscience found that even if only half a crowd laugh when you're laughing, the sound of giggling causes an audience to smile involuntarily, flooding the brain with those feel good chemicals that we all get - making them feel really, really good about you.
Even if half the audience don't particularly find the joke that you made funny, just the fact that there's laughter in the room fills the whole crowd with feel good chemicals in their brains that brings about positive emotions towards you.
Another paper released in the Academy of Management Executives found that laughter shows a high degree of confidence and instantly diffuses all status and makes everyone feel on the same level. So, as soon as you get a crowd laughing and that floods the whole room with the feel good chemicals I was just talking about, all the status differentials suddenly fall away and everyone feels like they're on the same level because "We're all in this together". That's exactly the vibe you need when you're trying to influence a roomful of people, particularly through stressful times of change.
If you'd like some tips, if you'd like to learn how to create some humour in your content or in your speaking or in your presenting, come to or if you have an event coming up at your place of work where you'd like to me to come along and teach your people how to do this sort of thing, come to
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