How to install VSCode on Linux Ubuntu
Introduction :
Aaah ! You have finally installed Linux Ubuntu on your machine, whether It was on a virtual machine or directly. Now, you want to start coding on It. The first thing that you should do is download and install an IDE ( Integrated Development Environment ), most noticeably Visual Studio Code or VSCode.
Today, we're going to see how to download and install VSCode on your Linux machine
Method #1 : Download and install via SNAP
The easiest way you can do this, is by using the Snap store. It is a platform where a lot of Ubuntu applications is stored in, and you can download them freely.
The link to VSCode on the Snap Store :
Method #2 : Install Visual Studio Code via apt package
We're going to use the Linux terminal to install VSCode on your machine
Step #1 : Open the terminal
Press the Windows Key on your keyboard, and type "Terminal" on your search bar. Press on the terminal icon that appears
Step #2 : Update the system repository
On the terminal ,type the following line :
sudo apt update
Step #3 : Install Package Dependencies
On the same terminal, type the following line :
sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget -y
Step #4 : Add GPG Key
Type the following line on your terminal :
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Step #5 : Add Repository
Type the following line on your terminal :
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
Step #6 : Install VSCode
Finally, type this line on your terminal :
sudo apt install code
Conclusion :
Now, you should good to go. Visual Studio Code is one of the most famous IDEs out there. It is because of the range of languages It can deal with, starting from C to Python. You can do everything you want with It. HAPPY CODING