How to install Ubuntu on Virtualbox Step by Step Guide

How to install Ubuntu on Virtualbox Step by Step Guide

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Do you want to learn and practice Linux without installing Ubuntu on your hard drive?

A virtual box is best option to run multiple operating systems in the same time. Meantime you can use your favorite Operating System Windows / Mac and you can learn how to use Linux Operating System.

Linux is an Operating System. Before using it you will have to install first on your Laptop or Desktop. But when you use a virtual-box you don’t need to install on a hard drive. You can use multiple operating systems at the same time.

Today I am going to tell you “how to install Ubuntu on the virtual box in Windows 10″. This article consists of text and images so you can understand better.

For the tutorial, I am using Windows 10 Machine, Virtualbox, and Ubuntu 20.04 ISO image.

Article Content

  • Software Requirements
  • Create a Virtual machine compatible with Ubuntu 20.04
  • Attach Ubuntu ISO image in a virtual machine
  • Install Ubuntu on Virtualbox Step by Step Guide
  • Conclusion

Section #1: Software Requirements

I am using windows 10 machine, I have installed VirtualBox on windows machine if you are using Windows / MAC OS you can download and install VirtualBox from given link.

Download Virtualbox: Link Here

When you finish installation of VirtualBox then you move to the next step >

Download the latest ISO Image of Ubuntu Operating System from following link. because You will need it at the time of installation of Ubuntu on Virtualbox.

Download Latest Ubuntu ISO Image: Link Here

When you have Installed VirtualBox on your system and Ubuntu ISO image then move next step >

Section #2: Create Virtual machine compatible to Ubuntu 19.04

A virtual machine is similar to as the physical machine. It has RAM, Processor, Hard Disk, CD, Network Adapter, and other hardware required for a Computer machine.

In a virtual machine, all hardware will be virtually not physically. Let's create a new virtual machine by the following steps:

Step #1 Start Virtualbox

Double click on the Virtualbox icon to open VirtualBox.

Step #2: Click on New icon, after open the VirtualBox manager.

Step #3 Name and Operating System:

You are going to create virtual machine for Linux – Ubuntu so fill the following system details:

Name: Ubuntu 19.04 (You can give name whatever you want)

Type: Linux (Type must be Linux)

Version: 64-bit (32-bit ISO is not available for latest Ubuntu ISO)

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Step #4 Memory Size

The recommended size is 1 GB, More RAM size means better performance.

If your computer RAM is more than 4GB then you can give 2 GB. I have 8 GB RAM of my system so I am giving here 2GB.

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Step #5 Hard Disk

Without hard disk, there is no value of you system anymore, In virtual machine you can create virtual hard disk only. It will not impact on your real machine.

You are going to start a fresh, so select second one option.

Create a virtual hard disk now

Click on create for forward next step.

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Step #6: Had disk file type:

There is multiple types of virtual hard disk. Virtual box supports 3 VDI, VHD and VMDK.

Don’t be confuse select first one VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)

Click on Next to move next step

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Step #7: Storage on physical hard disk

Allocation of storage on physical drive, It may be dynamically or fixed size.

Select Dynamically allocated and click on Next.

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Step #8 File location and size:

By default hard disk size will store in C:/ drive in windows.

If you don’t have enough memory in c:/ drive then you can select another drive to save virtual hard disk file.

Click on Folder icon to change storage location.

Recommended size is 10 GB, I suggest you, give hard disk size more than 18 GB.

I am giving 32 GB, you can see in the image given bellow

After assign location and memory click on next to move forward.

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You have created virtual machine for Ubuntu 19.04, Now its time to attach virtual DVD in Virtual machine DVD writer

Section #3 Attach Ubuntu ISO image in Virtual Machine

If you have installed any operating system before on machine, then you know very well, you have the requirement of a Bootable DVD / USB flash drive to install the operating system.

Ubuntu ISO image will work as a bootable DVD to install the operating system on a virtual machine.

So your next task is to attach the ISO image as a DVD. You can do it by following the given steps.

Step #1 Click on Settings.

You must select created virtual machines before clicking on settings. then click on setting

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Step #2: Choose Virtual Optical Disc (Ubuntu ISO image)

Storage > Empty > Click on Disk Icon > Choose Virtual Optical Disk File..

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Step #3 Browse location of the Ubuntu ISO image:

Browse recently downloaded ISO file of Ubuntu, Then click on Open

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Step #4 Verify connected ISO image:

You can verify as seen in the below image.

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Section #4: Install Ubuntu on Virtualbox Step by Step Guide

In this section, you will learn how to install Ubuntu 20.04 on a Virtual machine. Follow the given steps:

Start Virtual machine

Select the virtual machine and click on start.

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When you click on start the virtual machine will start with a bootable ISO image. because the new machine doesn’t have an operating system and has a blank hard disk. So it can’t be booted with hard-disk and will boot with a DVD.

Step #1 Welcome Screen:

At this screen you will have to select language in left sidebar.

Then click on Install Ubuntu to forward next step.

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Step #2 Keyboard layout:

Select you keyboard layout and click on continue. If you are not sure about keyboard layout then click on “Detect keyboard Layout”. This option will detect automatic.

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Step #3 Update and other software:

Select Normal installation, under this option required basic software will install.

In other option select “Download updates while installing Ubuntu”.

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Step #4 Installation type:

I assuming you a new user, so select option “Erase disk and install Ubuntu

Warrning: Don’t select this option when you will install on your real machine, If you have data in your hard disk

You can select this option on virtual machine without any fear

Click on Install now to move forward

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Step #5 Write the changes to disk:

Good, When you click on continue, New partition will be created in you virtual drive and formatted.

Click on continue.

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Step #6 Where are you?

System want to know your localization, select your zone and click on continue

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Step #7 Who are you?

Tell system about yourself like your name, PC name, Username and password.

I suggest you use strong password, It is compulsory to become habitual to put strong password every where

Click on continue:

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Step #8 Installation started:

Installation has been started

Sit back on the chair and have coffee, Buy one for me, and wait for some moment. the installation will be complete soon.

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Step #9 Installation complete:

Installation has been completed, now click on “Restart Now”,

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Step #10 Login

When your Ubuntu machine will start, it will ask for password. Enter password whatever you set at the time of installation.

Click on Login

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Step #12 Make it Full screen:

Press Right Ctrl + F

Select View > Full-screen Mode

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Step #13 First Look of Ubuntu 19.04

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Now your Ubuntu (Linux) machine is ready to use. You can use it like a real machine. You must read little about virtualbox networking, So you will not face any type of networking problem.

If you have any question you can put in comment box or you can write me directly [email protected] without hesitation.

Source : How to install Ubuntu on Virtualbox Step by Step Guide


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