How to install Power Platform Pipeline
Mohamed GRAIB
MCT | Power Platform | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Biz Apps Solution Architect | Entrepreneur
Migrating solutions from one environment to another is a challenge. Luckily, you can now use Power Platform Pipeline in order to ensure that your solution is different at each stage of its life.
Several people export the solution manually and then import it into the target environment.
Today, with Power Platform Pipeline, it's easy to deploy your solution from your development environment to your target environments (test and production) in order to respect the best practise of ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)
In this article, we will cover in detail the steps to follow in order to migrate your solutions from your development environement, to your test environement, and then from the Test environement to the production environement
Step 1: Navigate to Power platform admin center and navigate to your development environment
You should now navigate to the Resources tab and select Dynamics 365 Apps as shown in the adjacent image
Step 2 : Install the Power Platform Pipeline Application
Then click the Install Application button, as shown below
Now, Look for the Power Platform Pipelines app, Once you find it, just select it, accept the terms of use and install it.
Note: Installation may take a few minutes
Step 3: Check your solutions
After install the Power Platform Pipelines application from the Power platform admin center, go to and see the list of solutions. You should have added three new solutions, as shown in the screen below.
Step 4: Play the Deployment Pipeline Configuration App
Now all you have to do is configure and create your pipeline. To do this, simply navigate to the Apps menu and run the Deployment Pipeline Configuration application.
The deployment Pipeline Configuration will be open.
We'll see within the another article how to configure our first?pipeline. STAY TUNED !