How to Install PKP OJS (Open Journal System) at Localhost lamp , XAMPP, WAMP, WAMPP ?
Management of online journals, journal not mean we already have a site only, but more than that, the business processes that occur will be served by an application that can be accessed by all stakeholders. Here, the role of OJS (Open Journal System) as an open source web-based application will handle a variety of business processes. In this paper we will begin to install OJS on Local Server …
OJS (Open Journal System) is an open source-based application server-side programming language PHP to handle the management of the journal. So with OJS journal into an online journal that we would not be interpreted narrowly Online only journal we already have a homepage URL or address on the Internet, but more than that, all the actors involved in the publication of journals (authors, editors, reviewers, and so on) will be using the application this can be online without seeing each other
Ojs must be installed on a web server, and to facilitate the configuration or we would try this application as an exercise before the actual application is installed so it’s good to try it out first on a local server on your computer.
The first requirement is that we already have a web server on your computer that is already installed Apache, Mysql and PHP. If not installed, then than we do install applications one by one I would rather use a bundle that includes Apache, MySQL and PHP. Among the application bundle is EasyPHP, PHPTriad, XAMPP, WAMP, WAMPP, Apache2triad, and so on. Some I’ve never used it but lately I prefer using XAMPP.
Well, I consider Web server is installed and clearer to install applications when further addressed through the help of Google.
Install OJS (Open Journal System) at Localhost