How to install Netdisco on Rocky Linux 9.4
Luke Yosipovitch
IT Solutions Expert | Founder of Lara IT Solutions | Specialising in Windows & Linux Servers, Storage, Networking, and Cloud Infrastructure
what is Netdisco?
Netdisco is an open source web-based network management tool designed for network discovery ,management and monitoring.
Main features of Netdisco are : Network discovery ,Device and host tracking, Inventory management ,Network monitoring and on top of all it has a web interface.
to know more about netdisco follow this link:
because Netdisco is based on Perl ,Python, and PostgresSQL we will need to install those
Packages first by:
sudo yum install perl-core perl-DBD-Pg net-snmp-perl net-snmp-devel openssl-devel python3 curl postgresql-server postgresql-contrib make automake gcc
after that we will need to setup and enable postgresSQL by:
sudo postgresql-setup initdb
sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql
the next step is to create a netdisco user
useradd -m -p x -s /bin/bash netdisco
configuring the postgres :
su - postgres
createuser -DRSP netdisco
create database (here we will choose netdisco)
createdb -O netdisco netdisco
Now we will change to the netdisco user and curl netdisco :
su - netdisco
curl -L | perl - --notest --local-lib ~/perl5 App::Netdisco
after the newly installed , put it in a handy location:
mkdir ~/bin
ln -s ~/perl5/bin/{localenv,netdisco-*} ~/bin/
In order to test run the command :
~/bin/netdisco-backend status
now we will need to make a directory and copy the configuration from the distro:
mkdir ~/environments
cp ~/perl5/lib/perl5/auto/share/dist/App-Netdisco/environments/deployment.yml ~/environments
chmod 600 ~/environments/deployment.yml
go to environments to change the values of name ,username,pass
nano ~/environments/deployment.yml
now it is time to install Netdisco and create admin account :
starting netdisco:
~/bin/netdisco-web start
~/bin/netdisco-backend start
for first run use
~/bin/netdisco-do discover -d {name or IP address of a switch or router}
netdisco listens on port 5000 , open your browser and put :
you may need to open port 5000 by checking and opening the port :
sudo firewall-cmd --list-ports
sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5000/tcp --permanent
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Check your browser again to see if you can reach the login page: