How to install Maven on Eclipse IDE ?
Below steps to follow to install Maven on Eclipse IDE :
Click on the Help from the top menu in Eclipse and select 'Install New Software..'
Click on the Add button on the newly opened window.
Fill the form with the information below and press Ok
Name : M2Eclipse / Maven
Location :
A check-box will appear in the pop window, Check the check-box and click on Next button
Keep the default settings and click on Next button.
Please wait for some time and let the window complete its processing. It will not take long but 2 or 3 minutes.
Once the installation is finished, it will ask you to restart the Eclipse. Please click on Yes, so that changes can be reflected properly.
This is all for the Installation of Maven in Eclipse.
Checking if Maven has been successfully installed
To check if whether or not Maven has been successfully installed on Eclipse follow these steps:
Open your Eclipse IDE and click Help -> About Eclipse
Check the presence of the M2Ecplise icon as below
You can get further information about the installed version by clicking on the icon
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