How to Install IntelliJ IDEA: Simplified Instructions for Everyone.

How to Install IntelliJ IDEA: Simplified Instructions for Everyone.

To install and set up IntelliJ IDEA, we have to follow these steps:

1. Download IntelliJ IDEA

1.1> Visit the official [IntelliJ IDEA] website where we can download IntelliJ IDEA ->( and choose the edition:

1.2> Community Edition: Free and open-source, suitable for general Java development.

1.3> Ultimate Edition: Paid version with advanced features for enterprise and web development.

2. Install IntelliJ IDEA


1. Download the .exe installer.

2. Run the installer and follow the setup wizard.

3. Select options like creating a desktop shortcut or associating .java files with IntelliJ IDEA.


1. Download the .dmg file.

2. Drag IntelliJ IDEA to the Applications folder.


1. Download the .tar.gz file.

2. Extract the archive and run the script from the bin directory.

3. Set Up IntelliJ IDEA

3.1>Launch IntelliJ IDEA and configure the following:

3.2>UI Theme: Choose between light or dark themes.

3.3>Plugins: Install additional plugins if needed.

3.4>JDK Configuration: Set up the Java Development Kit (JDK) for our projects.

4. Create our First Project

4.1>From the welcome screen, click "New Project."

4.2> Choose a project type and configure the JDK.

4.3>Start coding

For more detailed instructions, we can refer to the [official installation guide](


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