How to install git on macOS
Hi, in this quick tutorial we will learn how to install and configure git on macOS.
The first step is to visit the git website. It's
Once you're there, click on the downloads button. In there, click on macOS. There are multiple ways to download git on macOS. We are going to go with the easiest way for now, which is the binary installer.
Click on the latest version. This should open up a SourceForge page, which should automatically download the file.
Once it's done downloading, you can go ahead and click on the file which should open up a package. Right click on the package and click open. You'll need to click open again and then go through all the prompts that you get and you'll also need to enter your password.
Once it's done installing you should get a successful installation message to verify that everything is installed properly. You can either go into your utilities and click on terminal. Alternatively you could go into spotlight and type in "terminal" there to open your terminal.
Once you have terminal open, go ahead and type in:
git --version
and if it's properly installed you should see the current version that is installed on the computer.
This tutorial was originally uploaded to YouTube by Jordan Halliday on April 7, 2022. Transcribed to text by Jordan Halliday on January 25, 2024.