How To Be Inspired
If your goal is to spark inspiration inside of yourself or inside of your team, then this is going to be important for you to listen carefully to, because “inspiration” is...?
And I would argue that inspiration is the impetus for everything in our companies, and it’s the impetus for everything in our personal lives too.?
For example, I’m constantly inspired by how my parents raised me.
Maybe not knowing at the time that those lessons were going to be so helpful to me, but now looking back and remembering those lessons... and from watching other great parents... helps me to be a better parent myself.?
I’m also inspired by people who are healthy and in great shape, and that drives me to stay on task with my health and fitness.?
But how do we get inspired??
I get asked that question at least once a week (either in the comments on one of our social media platforms or on my site), maybe not in those exact words, but some variation of that question.
How I reply is about the same every time, but I use different examples almost every time because, to be honest, I feel inspired every day!?
I mean, this morning I woke up, and I walked over to one of the windows in my bedroom, and I stood there for a few minutes and looked out over the water.
I saw the sun rise, and I watched palm trees swaying back and forth in the wind, and it was inspiring.?
I’m grateful for what I have, and I know why I have it.
That view and all I have, come from the companies I’ve built, the teams we’ve developed in those companies, and the choices we made.?
Those choices helped build the teams that helped build each of our companies.?
And those choices came from INSPIRATION.?
Inspiration comes from having a strong desire to be something more than you are in a certain area of your life and then making that area of your life a study.?
Having a desire, then making that a study, helps you make better choices, and those choices, backed by consistent action, get you massive results that turn into more inspiration.
In fact, the hardest thing to teach someone who wants to be super successful is that they can be massively successful in anything they want if they take consistent action for 10 or 20 years.?
And that might not work if you’re a 5-foot man or woman who wants to play in the NBA, but spend 10 years studying and consistently taking the right actions to grow a supplement business (for example), and you can have a $20 or $50 million dollar supplement business (or more).?
Spend 10 years studying and consistently taking the right actions to build a church, and you can have 10 or 20 or 50 thousand parishioners (or more).?
But most people want to be successful next month, and most of that ignorance is caused by social media, where so many people are renting Lamborghini’s for a day just to take pictures in front of it.?
That kind of bullshit is creating the wrong kind of inspiration, because after a month of following those people on social media, most people get overwhelmed...?
...and what kills inspiration almost immediately is the feeling of overwhelm.?
It’s being inspired to climb a mountain, but then when you wake up and drive to the starting point, and you’re standing at the foot of this giant mountain, you look at it, and you feel overwhelmed by just the thought of climbing it, and you go eat some fried food at a diner instead.?
But the way every successful person gets around that overwhelm is by educating themselves on the shortest and fastest path from point A to point B.?
Whether that’s going from the bottom of a mountain to the top, or it’s ascending to the top of a company as an employee, or it’s building a company from scratch, from 0 to 8 or 9 figures, or maybe it’s raising a child while building a business when you’ve never done that before.?
No matter where you are in life, to get to the next level, you need to be inspired.?
And to be inspired, you need to know what your target is and then educate yourself on the fastest, smoothest path from point A to point B.?
Because, understand this...?
The moment you feel a lack of inspiration is simply one step past where your knowledge ended.?
For example…
You may be inspired to start a business, and you might study everything there is to know about the startup process, but once you get past the startup process and begin to gain momentum,?you’re gonna feel massively overwhelmed because you’re not educated on how to smoothly get to the next level.?
You may be an expert at going from zero to profitability, but you have no experience in reaching your first million in revenue, or your first 10 million, or your first 50 million, or your first hundred million.?
And every one of those levels is a plateau that you absolutely need to be educated on at the right time.?
Because the moment you lose inspiration, there is always one step past where your education on that topic ends.?
That doesn't mean that you always have to be reading books and watching videos.?
It means you need to be connected with the right people who have already done what you want to do so that they can point out the roadblocks so your path is smooth and predictable.
Success is all about plugging into the right people.?
And one of the best ways to know what people are right for you is to list one target you want to accomplish in each main area of your life.?
After you have those targets, just write down one thing you need to become good at to reach that target, and you can call that your objective.?
So if one of your targets is to develop a team inside your company that drives growth for you, then one of your objectives might be to learn how to find, onboard, and manage great team members.?
Then, figure out one reliable resource (a person) who can help you build that kind of team in the fastest, most predictable way.?
And don’t make your list long, because that’s overwhelming.?
Choose one target, one objective, and one reliable resource, and then move forward.?
And if that resource does not get you significant results in 90 days or less, then move on to another resource.?
As you do that, you’ll become better and better at choosing the people you plug into, and the amount you achieve in the coming months will absolutely inspire you.