Let’s face it….Zoom, Teams, Google Meets, and Slack “huddles” are here to stay! So we need to get better at interacting on them.
I was recently working with a client on an upcoming keynote I was doing for them around improving their internal “Engagement & Connection”. They said something I’ve heard a bunch of times before, “It’s SO hard to create engagement and connection on a virtual call! We really struggle at this”.
I agree it’s challenging and as someone who performs shows/talks via virtual calls, I can 100% it will never be as good as the real thing.
HOWEVER - there are simple things we can do to improve the interactions we have every day. Like anything “new”, we need to adapt our approach slightly.
So here are my top 5 tips I use to improve my Engagement & Connection whilst on a virtual call.
- BE PRESENT ??????????????????: Just like when you talk to someone in person, be truly present. In this case, turn off ALL distractions - emails/alerts/LinkedIn/phone notifications. Consciously block outside noise and give them your full attention. Lean in, and focus on the conversation.
- EYE CONTACT ??: In real life, we all feel valued and listened to when someone makes eye contact. It shows they are focussing on us! This is exactly the same - even if it's through a screen! ? Stop, looking at yourself on the screen ? Stop looking around the room.? Instead, look into the camera, as if it were the eyes of your audience. Or move “their image” to the top of the screen so your eye line is closer to the camera. This simple shift in focus can create a more personal, engaging experience for your audience.
- LOOK PRESENTABLE: On camera, this means, camera position. Here are two simple rules I like to adopt whenever my camera is on; ?? Face towards natural. We always look our best under natural light and laptop cameras prefer that lighting. Try and sit in front of a window or natural light source. ?? Height - Raise the camera up so it is at your eye line or slightly above. There’s a reason Kim Kardashian never lets people take photos below eye line - it’s less flattering. If the camera is above our chin, our faces are more photogenic. It also stops us looking down. Instead it causes us to sit up straight and often feel more confident.?? To achieve the “Kim K” look, simply place your laptop on a stack of books. Next stop, Hollywood! HA!
- DITCH THE SLIDESHOW ??????: In real life I always say “Only use a slide if there is a reason to do so” i.e. showing data/graphs etc. It’s exactly the same when on a virtual call. Use slides as a tool, not a crutch.Always ask yourself, “Do I even need a slide for this?”, and if you do, present the slide, then switch back to your screen so they can see your lovely face! This also prevent the mood turning into “death by powerpoint” and instead turns it into a “conversation”.
- CREATE ‘WATER COOLER’ MOMENTS: When we have in-person meetings, there are 5 minutes spent walking to and from meetings where we have a chance to connect with our colleagues and “shoot the breeze”. This is so important as it builds relationships over time. For me, this is one of the biggest things we lose when we work remotely. The Solution - We have to be aware of it and create “virtual water cooler moments”. Ask your team to join a few minutes early before the client, or stay on after the meeting to chat about how they are and what they’ve been up to. Or maybe a “Friday afternoon wind down”. 15 mins of debriefing/plans for the weekend.
I already can tell some of you are cringing at this thought! I get it. It seems like “forced chat” because it is, but in the virtual world, it is needed!
So - What action are you taking from this? Which “trick” has made you think/are you going to implement?
If you think people in your network will benefit from this, please feel free to share.
Moving forward, I want to create a bank of useful content, so please let me know if there are any other topics you’d like me to cover in upcoming months. From “Engagement & Connection” to “Mindset” or overall “Creativity/Content Creation”.
Hopefully I’ll be seeing you on a virtual call soon! HA!