How (not) to inherit projects as a product person
Read on,
If you work at an organization that has a culture of
And you're experiencing the below symptoms
At the end of this article you'll know
Earlier last week - I sank my boat, but thankfully emerged unscathed due to our supportive eco system. I'm sharing, so that you the reader, can learn from or coach me.
What happened ?
I've been involved in a complex multi-year project that allows our users to be hyper-efficient in using our platform. I inherited this project recently from a colleague and was responsible in nudging this mammoth to its completion and eventual first version release.
< Omitting some narrative details I will keep confidential to respect everyone involved >
We reached a critical stage in our project and encountered some risks
What options does a product person, normally have in this situation ?
What did you think, I was able to do ?
None of them.
Why ?
Because, I lacked evidence-backed confidence.
What do I mean by evidence ?
*EVIDENCE; noun - The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid
In taking on this project, my blind trust became my greatest failing. I assumed enough discovery had been done on the pain points, that assumptions were solid, and my role was just to see it through to the end. I took data from secondary sources, pieced it together, made a user journey document, and moved on. Now, with the release just weeks away and faced with tough questions from stakeholders, I found myself with no answers. Confidence? Gone. Smooth ride, huh?
What did I do ?
I shut my laptop and let out a good, old-fashioned cry. With the emotions spent, I poured myself a cup of tea and sat down to write the plan below, my “Best Doable Option.”
Symptoms of problem :
Root cause of problem : My poor understanding of key pain points and assumptions
Best Doable Option
I'm including below, the document I created to never lose context and sight of the big picture when I inherit a project next, hope you find it useful and can contribute to its betterment
Quick Checklist questions before you begin handover
[ Design, UX research, Strategy, Initiative document, Jira tickets ]
Pain points to be addressed with mappings to users, Risks and known limitations, Assumptions being made, Project Core objectives and goals, Success measures, Communication channels being used, Summaries of context behind key decisions, Current scope and expected delivery timelines, Critical dependencies and how they are currently being managed
Detailed reflection questions
Product discovery phase questions
Preparing for the Handoff:
Additional ' Good-to-have' context
I only ask, that you leave a comment on how I can improve this piece to help more people - or simply to share it with someone who may benefit. I'm all ears ! Thanks again.
Further learning
*Yes, there's a whole opinion piece written on evidence backed decisions, by Saeed Khan ( Give it a read, Link )