How Is The Infinity War Comic Different To The Movie?
The reasons why Thanos does the very destructive things he does are described by different motives in the comic book when compared to the movie.
In the comic book he does things to impress Mistress Death. It is to impress her that he starts the quest to gain the infinity gems so that he can destroy half of the universe for her.
Not only does he destroy half of the universe for Mistress Death, he traps his own granddaughter Nebula in what is best described in a state of living hell for Death’s entertainment. He humiliates his brother, Eros for her enjoyment. He turns her fortress into a shrine for her.
Thanos takes on the Avengers to show his power. He turns the bones of Wolverine to rubber, sends Drax back in time to the Jurassic Era, whilst turning into glass and then shattering him. He also had Cyclops suffocated in an airtight container.
All these actions bring him to the attention of the remaining superheroes and that means they work on a way to defeat him.