How Indian companies can improve its poor image quality in export sector.
Nikhil Kedar
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It has been observed that foreigner don't trust India brand. According to PR consulting firm Edelman’s 2017 “Trust Barometer” – a ranking and analysis of the trust and credibility that global consumers placed on respective international businesses, various governments, and global media organizations, the faith that developed market consumers have in Indian- based MNCs (along with their products and services) have depreciated steadily from 40% to 32% since 2011.
Negative press covering India’s corruption, inadequate infrastructure, and fractured government has done far greater damage to Indian companies, than those companies have done defending their brand, counteracting negative public opinion, and ultimately building rock solid strategies to expand abroad.
Despite manufacturing superior quality products we Indians are facing back lash, so how we can improve our image in international market ? here are some simple but important steps we can take to improve our global image.
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First strategy: Build trust
The cornerstone of any foreign expansion must be to build trust by delivering on the brand promise. The maxim: “Never advertise a bad product,” was never more true. Expansion must not out run its ability to deliver. We do get tempted to scatter their fire, attempt too much, and fail at all of their attempts.
Second strategy: Maintain Focus, Leverage Core Competencies
According to a McKinsey & Company study, 90% of Asia’s value creators derive more than 80% of their revenues by focusing their businesses on one industry sector. Many companies in India have such a broadly defined portfolio that it has in effect, “muddled” the brand, confused the customer, and created organizations that try to do too many different things. In the end, those organizations not only fail to deliver value to some customers, they fail all of their customers. To succeed, Indian companies should leverage their core competencies by cutting back in areas they don’t execute well, and focus instead on where they can deliver the most value, most efficiently.
Third strategy: Innovate
In tech alone, India offers some of the largest pool of technically skilled graduates in the world (second most in the world (after China) with 2.6 million STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Math graduates in 2016 alone) The problem’s not talent, but rather Indian companies’ resistance to put top talent to work on R&D and innovation. In fact, Nielsen research reported that only 30% invested 10% or more of their annual revenue on innovation related R&D, while 33% of Indian companies invested 5% or less. we can look at L’Oréal, whose French personal care products dominated developed markets, and ultimately as a result of in-depth market research, were able to dominate Asian ones too. To succeed, Indian brands entering new markets must strive for something better, not cheaper.
Fourth strategy: Global Brand, Local Knowledge
To create commanding points of difference, Indian companies must fuse foreign products with Indian characteristics (or Indian products with foreign characteristics) to meet the needs of the world outside of India. Indian companies can look to KFC, Macdonald, Netflix and many more who customized their product offerings and advertising to meet the demand of Indian consumers at the provincial level.
Fifth strategy: Elevate Branding to the Boardroom
To build a strong brand, consistently delivering on the brand promise is vital. When the boardroom focuses exclusively on financial performance, no one is managing this essential requirement which is product performance. Procter and Gamble’s solution was to elevate “brand managers” to be the “CEO” of their product, responsible for ensuring that the company was producing what the customer wanted, not what the company found to be most cost efficient to make
It isn’t too late to change course. These five counteracting strategies can be used as an effective roadmap to address the challenges Indian companies are facing and can expand beyond the borders of India. When Indian companies execute these strategies, global consumers will be sure not only to welcome Indian products and services in to their homes – but demand them.
Nikhil Kedar, Assistant Manager Sales, Round the Clock Logistics Ltd Pvt.