The pandemic has pushed the world development backwards in many ways. many countries in the world are facing many challenges in all sorts of from like economy, collapse of health infrastructure in their country, Bullying by their neighborhood, or debt trap diplomacy in the name developments in the country. Each and every country is facing their own challenges on their own front but really struggling to meet the pre pandemic level of normalcy.
But India is the country who has seen the opportunity in the form of blessing in disguise where India has shown the world what the largest democracy in the world can do when there is unprecedented crisis in the world which has more people of both the world wars in history.
With the indies health infrastructure world expected that India would collapse in the pandemic, but with proactive steps of India not only effectively controlled the pandemic but also was the country to develop the made in INIDA??vaccine and started to inoculate the largest population of the world with much speed than most of the G7 countries of the world with span a of one year of the pandemic.
Till the date India has administered more number of Wuhan virus?doses combined to that of 5 G7 nations (Germany,Itally,France,spain,UK). Even when most of the countries stopped the exports of critical medicines and other materials to the world India has supplied the Made in India vaccine to more than 60 countries around the world.
When the pandemic struck the world the all the countries was still trying understand how to beat the pandemic but India started to use science and technology and found the effective ways to tackle the pandemic. The best example was the Arogya setu app which was used for contact traceing of wuhan virus +VE patients and isolate all the close contacts as early as possible to stop the spread of the wuhan virus in the country .India again showed its power of technology in the inoculation of wuhan virus vaccine by developing the COWIN portal to coonect?people with vaccines centers much easily . now which around 160 countries the around the world has expressed its interest in using the COWIN portal and has requested?the help of india to share the technology.??
In the mean time when some of the countries tried to change the status quo in the border and infiltrate the terrorists in the country India showed its millitary might by giving the befitting reply which was unexpected by them. And India started to speed up its military expansion?improving the the strength of the military with new technologies and inducting more made in India products into its?arsenal .
From the past 8 years india has increased its foreign relations with UAE , Saudi Arabia, Rusiia ,USA?, with EU countries , african countries. where Saudi arabia has conducted its first ever military overseas exercises with India , and the Japan , USA , Australia joined the mallabar exercise and conducting the join military exercises with Russia, Iran , France ,?Oman ,Uzbekistan, South Korea , UAE, Indonesia ,sri lanka ?,Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh and many more countries .
As the second largest investor In Afghanistan after the United States India has always supported the democracy in the region. After the?forceful takeover of Kabul on august 15th 2021 . India has made the Taliban led government clear that India is not going to recognize the governments until there is an inclusive government formed and all the human rights in the country is upheld including the rights of women’s and minorities of countries.?
India in recent days has shown its diplomacy in maintaining the world order. In the bilateral meeting with US president, Joe Biden has reiterated US’s support to the India’s bid to join the united nations security council as the permanent member.The recent devolpoments suggest us that ?The future of the world is indirectly linked with the future of the India.