How indestructible is your camera?
Brendan Ihmig
Helping people & brands create significant success ????? Branding, marketing & business consultant?
After returning from a four week trip in Asia, in which I took around 3000 photos (yikes I know), I got home and wanted to shoot some closeups for blog posts. After getting the light box and fill lights setup, I realised that the test images where not as sharp as I would have liked and that there were some issues with the depth of field and general focusing. I immediate started frantically checking lenses, settings and everything that I though could be causing the issues. It was then that my wife reminded me that the camera had taken a fall in our hotel room.
As an amateur photographer with some pretty decent gear, it is a horror story in the making just thinking that my gear was damaged. The fall (from a chair to a carpeted floor) seemed inconsequential at the time, but now there was this looming possibility that it was enough to cause some damage. So, I did some Googling and to my suprise, the Canon 7D is rather indestructible.
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