How To Increase Your Sales with Genius Copywriting Tips
I learned, albeit it a lot later in life, that in order to get people to read my emails, texts or respond to my voicemails, I would have to improve my communication skills and stand out amongst everyone else vying for their attention these days. In marketing we are competing against doctors, pharmacists, politicians, Door Dash texts, Candy Crush notifications, etc. and every one of them is fighting for control of our attention. It is our duty to be able to penetrate those barriers and be heard, read, and/or seen. To do this I had to start reworking my copywriting and think of ways to make my tag lines stand out amongst the rest and yield a much higher interaction.
What is sales copywriting you might be asking? Well, glad you did. Sales copywriting is anything intended to persuade the right reader, listener, or viewer in take a specific action. It really sounds just like sales...doesn't it? The difference being that good copywriting will LEAD to the opportunity of a sale. To do this effectively, you need unique and creative ways to get your information out to everyone.
- Understanding Your Buyer
You must have the understanding that if people understand the benefit of your product and/or service, they're going to buy it. So as a person writing good copy, it is your job to be a great communicator about why they need what you have. Appealing to everyone is nearly impossible, so you have to break it down further into niche markets. The better you understand your niche market, the more money you'll make and the happier they are going to be because you can better communicate with them.
- Don't Give Up, Give It Time
The fact is you are not going to write the perfect copy on your first try. It will take both time and attention. Pay attention to what is, and most importantly, what isn't working. As you see more results and/or responses come in, think about what you changed last time that produced this improvement. When something good does happen, don't just mark it as luck, but study what worked, keep doing that, stop doing what doesn't work, and never quit examining the good copy.
- Understanding WHY people buy
Why people buy is the most important part of the process. Without understand the reasons people buy, then your copy will not be effective and those email blasts will just get overlooked in their inboxes. I'll start you off with the top five:
- Make Money, Save Money, Save Time, Save Energy, Avoid Mental and Physical Stress
Think about your idea buyer. What do they look like? What do they want? Are they lazy? Do they work a lot? Do they hate their job? Picture this idea person and start writing down all the different ways you can apply the reasons people buy listed above and you'll start to understand how to target them appropriately and write good copy to get their attention. Let's say you own a gym. Who is your idea buyer? You can safely assume they want to lose weight, get healthier, and/or build muscle. You can also assume they work a full time job. Now let's further narrow down the niche to those people who can't take that first step. How do you get their attention?
We've just addressed several factor as to why people buy. Those who have a full-time job probably say they don't have time to workout. So what do you want to do? Save them time right? Bingo! You've just hit the third reason for buying listed above. What about those who give up quickly or find it too difficult? They need to avoid mental and physical stress, right? Boom! You've just hit upon the fifth reason why people buy. So let's write a copy that appeals to this potential buyer: How to get a six pack in only 10 minutes a day! It's not perfect, but it's a start.
As you continue to see the results further narrow your niche and continue tracking the results, you'll begin to see your response rate increase, and hopefully your sales too! Remember: Don't Give Up, Give It Time!
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