How to Increase your Revenue through Social Media.
How Social Media Marketing can Increase your Business Revenue.
Are you struggling to keep up with social media trends or maintaining consistent content to grow your brand?
Many people just don't have the time or energy to actually plan out content for the week ahead as well as do the copywriting for a paid advertisement or creating a video that needs to be posted to continue to grow your audience.
Social Media can be hard to keep up with especially when trying to scale a business. However it is one of the best ways to attract traffic, grow an email list organically, gain massive visibility and connect with your audience.
Your message and symbolism is super important as it represents your brand and it represents what you stand for and how the audience will view you as a business.
Thinking of content ideas can be overwhelming, but what works is to first create a plan because as my dad always told me- 'Structure is good' and without a plan, you should basically wear a blindfold over your eyes when navigating your way as your business needs guidelines and goals to succeed. Secondly think of your origin story:
-Why are you where you are today?
-What challenges have you overcome?
-What was your child hood like?
-What belief systems did you have?
You need to really eat, sleep and breathe your brand because when you post content that reflects your business and shows value- you begin to create an emotional connection with your potential clients and they can start to self-identify with the vision of your movement.
Never post disorganized content and I know from experience because I have done that, until I started learning the art of digital marketing and how to utilize social media and video marketing and the downside of posting disorganized content was that I was not gaining any traction and it left my audience confused. Your target audience needs to be clear on what you do so that they can trust you. Creating the right content not only helps increase traffic and revenue, it also helps to grow your business and stand out from all the noise.
Therefore understand the core needs of your potential clients and create content that serves a purpose and provides value to them. Take your audience on your journey and be creative.
What is the point if you don't love what you do?