How To Increase Your Productivity At Work

How To Increase Your Productivity At Work

The workforce has dramatically changed the way it conducts itself, over these past few years. With the global pandemic looming large over us, we have had to change the ways we conduct ourselves. One of those big changes has come in the form of an increased reliance on hybrid or remote work. As such, there has been a greater onus placed upon individual workers to get their work done, self sufficiently and punctually.

So more than ever, it is of the utmost importance that workers maintain productivity when working away from the office. Here are ways an individual can use to increase their productivity.

Move away from multitasking

Whilst on the surface it may seem more pragmatic to attempt to work on several tasks at once, it turns out, that isn’t the case. Attributing your focus to several different tasks at once can actually lead to subpar work. By giving a task only a percentage of your attention, you also subsequently only give a percentage of your effort and ability.

Use a to do list

Using a to do list is a simple yet effective way of promoting increased productivity. It is a visual way of organising your thoughts and tasks, thus making it easier to navigate how you undertake your work day. Further to this, the act of checking a task or activity off of the list provides a sense of accomplishment and pride, incentivising continued levels of productivity.

Take regular breaks

At the end of the day we are not machines, we cannot be expected to work endlessly whilst maintaining the same level of productivity or quality. It is very important to take some time to just rest and re-center your brain, so that when you do work again, you can do it with improved focus and energy. Whatever breaks you do take, should be relatively short however (10-30 minutes), so that you don’t end up losing the productive mind set you’re in, and still have plenty of time at your disposal to work.


When you have varying tasks equipped with differing difficulties, it is important to prioritise when to do your most difficult vs easy and tedious tasks. All of us come alive at different times of the day, there is no set standard for when a human being should be the most full of life and energy. So it is important that you focus on completing your most difficult tasks during the part of the day in which you feel the most energised and productive.




