How to Increase Your LinkedIn Inmail Responses?
Prakash Mishra
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LinkedIn is a business oriented social networking site that was launched in 2003, precisely aiming towards ensuring a better connectivity between both career as well as business professionals. It is ideal for operating in social cum professional networks, which promises a potential customer base, prospective partners and job opportunities. It facilitates one to catch, known as well as unknown business links, clients and colleagues around the globe. One can stay in touch with all of them through the website.
LinkedIn is the Google of job search used by the top players dominating the market for various purposes. The users include Big businesses, Recruiters, Potential buyers, Potential clients, Sellers, Entrepreneurs, Job applicants, Startups and Human Resources professionals. One can advertise his or her skills and strengths on this platform supported by their peers by establishing important business connections. You can also join concurring expert groups by getting into your corresponding vocation and by consistently updating your CV. Apart from professional connections you can also read news here and post blogs, tips and articles related to industry’s developments.
Inmail is one of the most competent features of LinkedIn, which caters to multiple communication areas permitting direct communication among all sorts of business groups, startups and individuals. The category includes different types of businesses, job seekers, recruiters etc. However, the problem of unwanted Inmails have increased up to a great extent, eliminating the goodwill of the feature. This has resulted in users disregarding a majority of messages including important ones.
Inmail messages can be sent directly to another LinkedIn member even if you're not connected to them. However, a basic account doesn’t provide this facility. You need to upgrade to the premium account to use this service. You also get a specific number of Inmail credits based on your subscription category. The number of credits can be seen at the top section of manage your account page.
This trend of spams and impersonalized Inmails has spread like a wildfire. This is extremely damaging for business’s brand image coupled with applicant’s job prospects and customer’s time. This misuse of Inmail services as a communication, which is automated and uncalled for, has significantly reduced response rates adding fuel to the fire.
Inmail has numerous advantages and it lets you connect with a particular business of your choice. Through this mailing system one can establish himself on LinkedIn professionally as well as personally. But the problem of unsolicited mails is growing exponentially leading to unread professional as well as social messages on the networking site.
The threat is indeed grave but the solution isn’t difficult. There are methods that can transform an unread Inmail into a magnetic mail attracting all the receivers. And yes it is easily possible if you follow certain prescribed principles in this article.
- Mention The Purpose Of Your Inmail Message
Inmail conversations are personal conversations for professional purposes. Make sure you break the ice well to start a fruitful dialogue with your respective recipient. Then gradually establishing repo would do the rest. But do not hurry because good decisions and long term professional commitments require more than one Inmail oriented conversation. Don’t try to spark curiosity here as it can demotivate the reader towards reading your message.
- Write an Eye-Catching & Meticulous Subject Line
An over catchy subject line is useless and creates fake image. You should maintain a proper balance while writing a subject line for your Inmail gripping the attention of your reader. The best way to do this is by adding a personal flavor to the conversation. You can do that by mentioning a reference or by calling out the recipient’s name. For e.g. if an ABC company wants to contact one then: “Your name: From ABC Company!" It will compel the reader to go through your mail. Make it as direct and concise as possible.
- Greet Your Receiver
Don’t go for a pale and traditional greeting. It will immediately discourage your reader to go any further. Instead go for a more custom-made salutation, which appears interesting. Address them by their name and praise some of their works. It will impress the one you are writing an Inmail for by adding more attention to your information.
- Introduce Yourself Crisply
Make an effort and write a small and eloquent introduction of yourself. It should provide the readers with all the necessary and basic information about you for e.g. your name, position and a line about your company. It is essential to make them believe that they are reading an authentic mail from a real person and not from some automated spam. Your introduction should persuade the reader to read further.
- Write an Impactful Inmail
A personal message written for professional matter is well received by all. A bit of research regarding the person’s profile does that well. Information like their work history and interests helps in instituting an individual association. This effort works like one-man army where you can hit multiple birds with a single stone. It shows time and effort given by you for a particular message. It will surely yield more than expected output and people will definitely respond to your Inmails.
- Be Clear While Concluding
You should be able to provide a clear course to your reader concerning the next step of the process. Respectfully give them straight instructions regarding the next stage. You can ask them to reply or acknowledge your message. This will act as a confirmation for you whether your message has been read or not. You can even call them for a telephonic or face to face conversation.
- Brief Signature
A proper Signature includes: name, position and company’s website. It provides recipient with the scope to find out more about you. It also builds trust between the sender and the receiver of the mail. You must include a link of your company’s website.
- Follow Up is Necessary
In case the recipient avoids your message and your inquiry remains unanswered. Then you should not get demotivated in fact you should give a gentle reminder to the person after a week or so. Do not rush and flood the recipient with multiple messages as this is against courtesy. The person might get irritated with you and choose not to respond if you shoot multiple mails within a day or two. Worst that can happen is the recipient might block you. So, it is better to wait for a week. However, Inmail response rate is three times higher than a regular email.
- Your Message Should Reflect Your Persona
Your tone should be warm and language should be courteous to create an impression on the recipient. A completely informal tone is not advised. An authoritative tone can be mistaken for an arrogant approach. Therefore, you need to be careful. But you should be able to strike the comfort level where the other person feels connected to you.
- Mail Whenever You Want to
It is considered better to shoot Inmail in the middle of the week. LinkedIn data shows Inmails sent between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. on weekdays get the highest response rate. It is advised so because for a majority of people Monday is usually a busy day. And some people do not respond on weekends, as it is break time. So to avoid this hour of rush in the beginning of the week and also the period of weekend merriment, pick the mid days. However, it doesn’t totally affect response unless it is celebration time like Diwali or Christmas. The response depends on the person and their situation not that of the sender.
- Contact Target Audience
Target audience consists of people who would be more than happy to hear from you and vice versa. They could be job applicants, customers, recruiters, startups etc. They should share the agenda with you fulfilling your as well as their requirements. It should be a win-win situation for both sides of people. In case of harmony of goals things get really simple. It just doubles the chances of your Inmail response.
- Stay Enthusiastic
There can be times when you will have to face rejection. Situation can go contrary to your desired response from the recipient. But stay optimistic for it is not always winters! You will get your desired response gradually for the entire process of sending, receiving and replying takes a little time. Just don’t let the energy level and positivity die down in you.
- A Little Curiosity is Good
Always maintain an information gap in your first Inmail to create curiosity within your recipient. Customers want to know about price, warranty, color, quality and other features. Similarly, a majority of candidates want job details, remuneration range and a company overview to be included in a recruiter’s first message. If you divulge everything in the first instant, then they would not respond and all your efforts will go in vain.
- Personalize Your Message
Don’t be cliché in your methodology of writing the messages. You can’t bore your recipient with the same insipid and boring text that they have been receiving till now. You should be able to craft unique text to tempt your target audience. The tested way to do that is to talk about your recipient in the mail. Who doesn’t like some extra importance after all?
- Give Reference
If it so happens that you are able to find out a connection with someone that you’re interested in talking to. Request that mutual connection if you can name-drop them. If they agree than half the battle is won. It significantly increases your credibility. And you can start the conversation. This creates a confidence in the recipient that he or she is not being deceived in any way. This increases your chance of getting a response by as much as 27%. They might give your message importance over other Inmail messages.
Big businesses, Recruiters, Potential buyers, Potential clients, Sellers, Entrepreneurs, Job applicants, Startups and Human Resources professionals are all available and reachable through Inmail. If you are a job applicant looking for work, Inmail can help you more than anything else. You can reach out for partnerships with new businesses or draft a business proposal for expansion of your business. It helps you make selective and important business connections within your own niche. It opens the new avenues with new connections. If you follow all the above prescribed points, then none of your Inmail will stay unanswered. You will reach the peak of your career, a win-win situation for you as well as your recipient.