How to Increase Your Consulting Pricing: A Tool

How to Increase Your Consulting Pricing: A Tool

In today's edition of THE INDEPENDENT, let's talk about pricing.



One of the questions I frequently ask myself is - "Why are some consultants able to charge an effective rate of $750 or $1,000 when others plateau at $200 or $250?".


The logical answer could be that the consultant who charges more has more experience, a stronger network, or is better at selling.

While some of this could be true, what I find fascinating is that this large disparity in effective rates happens amongst consultants with very similar backgrounds.


Let's take that off the table.

If consultants with very similar backgrounds and experiences charge a wide range for their services, what causes this difference?


It comes down to each consultant's (mental) pricing set point.


Time and time again, I find that the difference in what one consultant charges compared to others comes down to their mindset.

What does "mindset" and a pricing "set point" mean in this context? It's?

  • What you think is possible for you to charge
  • What you think your ideal clients are willing and able to pay
  • How you quantify the value of your services in your mind


This set point makes all the difference for you as a consultant and how much money you're leaving on the table.


You might be asking - okay, so how do I figure out my set point and how to I increase it so I can charge more without losing deals?

I've got you covered. I recorded a podcast episode all about this.


Click here to listen to Episode 182 of the podcast - How to Increase Your Consulting Pricing: A Tool.


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