"How to Increase Your Commissions by 50%*"
Applying proven time management principles to improve sales performance
* Or any percentage you choose.
How do you increase your commissions by 50% (or more) in a year?
- Set annual sales goals
- Plan monthly production
- Schedule weekly sales activities
- Prioritize daily sales efforts
What are the steps in accomplishing this?
Step 1: Evaluate production during the last year
Step 2: Evaluate commissions during the last year
Step 3: Establish an annual revenue goal for the coming year
Step 4: Determine commission goals during the coming year
Step 5: Determine production goals during the coming year
Step 6: Establish a new business production plan for the coming year
How do you do this?
Download my FREE simple 8-page PDF document “How to Increase Your Commissions by 50%”
Download my $6.99 comprehensive 134- page ebook “7 Maxims of Time Management” from Amazon which fills in the blanks in the free document.
A great holiday and New Year’s gift for the insurance producer that has everything…except sales success!