How to increase traffic on the blog. Easy ways
How to increase traffic on the blog. Easy ways
How to increase traffic on blog?
To increase traffic on the blog, you have to follow the steps given below.
In the same way, no one likes a blog with a bad design and no one visits a blog with bad design.
Therefore, it is very important to have good blog design.
To select a theme, see the point below.
The theme looks proffessional.
Theme should have all the options you need such as Sidebar, Featured Images etc.
Blog should load in less time for which choose Fast WordPress Theme.
The WordPress Theme should be Responsive and Mobile Friendly.
So, only Publish Quality Content on Blog. Which is helpful and useful for users.
Keep the points below in mind to improve the content.
Even today, when I see the blogs of people, most of the posts have only 500 to 700 words.
This is the reason that their posts are never viral.
Keywords Research consists of three main things.
Analyze Competition On keywords
Choose Low Competition Keywords
All of the related research work can be done easily using the Semrush (Paid) tool.
# 2) Using Keywords Everywhere, you can easily check the competition on all keywords.
By searching in Google, you can also search for the best Long Tail keywords using Related Searches.
You can learn to search Long Tail Keywords from Google by looking at the image below.
Increasing your Blog Rank from every 1 Second Time is 100 steps behind.
To reduce the loading time, you have to optimize the following things of the blog.
Reduce Blog's Server Response Time
Use a theme with Light Weight.
There are a lot of algorithms in SEO, you have to work on the blog keeping all of them in mind.
SEO is mainly divided into 2 parts.
In on-page optimization, we have to do all the work on the blog, so we can do all this work easily.
Off-page Optimization - We have to do all the work of Off Page Optimization outside our website.
By posting a guest on a Top Blog, you can get 1000 Visitor per day Refferal Traffic easily.
Guest The following things should be remembered while blogging.
Guest Post only on Blogs related to your Blog Niche.
Give Guest Post to Blogs with more traffic first.
Blog commenting is also the easiest way to increase traffic and no follow links.
For this, you have to search the top blogs related to blogs and make comments on their posts.
HTIPS shares a post on all Social Sites 1 time in 24 hours.
To publish List Posts on your blog, many posts have to be written on a topic.
How to increase traffic in 30 ways
How to increase TRAFFIC without SEO
7 easy ways to increase traffic etc.
13. Join Question Answer Sites
Improvment will be visible in your blog traffic in a month.
To Imorove the title and Meta Tag of the blog, you should use Yoast SEO or All IN ONE SEO.
Never Neglect Email Marketing because through Email you can do 30% Traffic Increase of Blog.
Invite readers to come to your blog via email.
To create Email List Build, first of all put a good Subscription Box on Blog.
Make Subscription necessary for making a PDF by downloading a Free Ebook or a Guide.
Send an email to your Subscriber on a schedule such as an email in 2 days or an email a week.
You can use W3 Total Cache or Wp Super Cache Plugin to enable Browse Cache.
In today's time, maximum traffic is on Social Sites where there is 24 hours of traffic.
So give some time to promote your blog on Social Sites and drive good traffic on your blog.