How to increase traffic on the blog. Easy ways

How to increase traffic on the blog. Easy ways

How to increase traffic on the blog. Easy ways

 In the world of blogging, all bloggers work daily to increase traffic on blogs and millions of articles and videos on the Internet, also give information about increasing traffic on blogs, but just reading articles and watching videos does not increase traffic on blogs.

 In order to increase traffic on the blog, we have to do new experiences, learning something new every day. Experiments that are successful in increasing traffic on your blog, along with using them, you have to keep doing new experiments.

 On this page you will read the working methods of increasing traffic on the blog and I assure that using these methods will definitely increase the traffic on your blog.

 How to increase traffic on blog?

 In the beginning, all the new bloggers waste a lot of time just designing the blog and make posts and pages on the blog without any research.

 Due to which the initial hard work of new bloggers is wasted and in the initial times, traffic does not come on the blog.

 If soon after the setup to setup the blog, a little research has been done with SEO Friendly Blog Post and work is done to increase the traffic, then good traffic soon starts coming on the blog.

 If you are already working on your blog and with the design of Blog, some posts and pages have also been published.

 Still, you do not have to worry because forgetting the time that has been lost so far, now with a little research, traffic can be increased on the blog by working properly on the blog.

 To increase traffic on the blog, you have to follow the steps given below.

 1. Professional Blog Design

 Just like after visiting a website with a yellow background, red color and useless font size, you will close the site in 2 Second and will not go to such a website again.

 In the same way, no one likes a blog with a bad design and no one visits a blog with bad design.

 Due to bad blog design, people will go out of the blog immediately, due to which the Bounce Rate of the blog will increase and if people do not come back to the blog, according to Google's Algorithm, your blog will be less reliable. Therefore, blog will not be ranked in any search engine and traffic will not come on your blog.

 Therefore, it is very important to have good blog design.

 Choose a theme with a Proffessional Design for your blog. So that all your readers like Design and all users can read the Contents of Blog in an easy way.

 To select a theme, see the point below.

 The theme looks proffessional.

 Theme should have all the options you need such as Sidebar, Featured Images etc.

 Blog should load in less time for which choose Fast WordPress Theme.

 The WordPress Theme should be Responsive and Mobile Friendly.

 Along with improving the design of Blog, you can buy Newspaper Theme or other Best WordPress Theme to choose a theme with all the necessary functions required for Blogging.

 2. Publish Quality Content

 Everyone knows that in the blogging world, content is king, that means the better the content of the blog will be. The more readers will like Blog.

 Google has also clearly said that write posts for users only and if your post is good, then Google Automatic will rank your post.

 So, only Publish Quality Content on Blog. Which is helpful and useful for users.

 Keep the points below in mind to improve the content.

 Reasearch - To improve the content of the blog, do a thorough research on the subject of the post before writing the post and start writing the post only after understanding all the information.

 Headings - It is very important to use the best headings to make the content easy to understand and attractive. After 4 to 5 paragraphs in the article, keep an attractive and useful Heading.

 Remove Boaring Content - People do not like to waste their time, so do not add Boaring contents to enlarge the article.

 Just add useful lines to the article so that people do not boar and complete the content. Due to which Time On Page is large and Bounce rate is low.

 3. Article Length

 Even today, when I see the blogs of people, most of the posts have only 500 to 700 words.

 This is the reason that their posts are never viral.

 For more traffic, it is very important to Viral the Post and to Viral the Contents, it is very important to have long articles.

 According to Buzzsumo, posts of 3,000 to 10,000 words are mostly shared because more words mean higher engagement rate, which makes your posts viral.

 So, if you want to show the post on the first page in Search Engines or viral on social media, then write 2000+ words in each post.

 4. Keywords Research

 It is very important to do keywords research before writing a post because if you will write a post without Keyword Research. So it will be like working as an arrow in the dark and your posts will be very difficult to rank. So before starting writing the post, do keyword research.

 Keywords Research consists of three main things.

 Find Keywords

 Analyze Competition On keywords

 Choose Low Competition Keywords

 All of the related research work can be done easily using the Semrush (Paid) tool.

 To do keyword research in free you will have to do a little hard work because you have to use two to three tools.

 # 1) The first tool would be better to use Google keywords planner, because with this tool, Average Monthly Searches of keywords can be easily detected.

 # 2) Using Keywords Everywhere, you can easily check the competition on all keywords.

 For this, you have to install Keywords Everywhere and add it to Chrome or Firefox Browser, after which you search any keywords in Google, then you have Competition, Search Volumes and CPC show.

 # 3) LSI Graph - You can use LSI Graph to search Long Tail Keywords, it is very easy and provides good Long Tail Keywords.

 By searching in Google, you can also search for the best Long Tail keywords using Related Searches.

 You can learn to search Long Tail Keywords from Google by looking at the image below.

 Blog Traffic Kaise badhaye

 5. Blog Loading Speed

 Loading Speed of all the Top Rank Blogs in the world is very fast and it takes less than 1 Seconds to load the Blog.

 Increasing your Blog Rank from every 1 Second Time is 100 steps behind.

 You can use Pingdom Speed Test, Gtmetrix, or Google Page Speed Insights to check the loading speed of the blog.

 If your blog takes longer than 2 Seconds to load, then you should immediately optimize the loading speed of the blog.

 To reduce the loading time, you have to optimize the following things of the blog.

 Optimize Blog Images.

 Minify Java Scripts and CSS.

 Reduce Blog's Server Response Time

 Use a theme with Light Weight.

 Use Redirection at least.

 6. Search Engine Optimization

 This is the most important point to increase Blog Traffic because without SEO it is very difficult to get good TRAFFIC on any blog.

 There can be millions of Visitor in a day on Blog from search engine, for which it is necessary to make Blog Search Engine Friendly.

 If Blog will not optimize for Search Engines, then Organic Traffic will not come on Blog. And all the ways to increase traffic will be of no use.

 There are a lot of algorithms in SEO, you have to work on the blog keeping all of them in mind.

 Although there is no 100% correct definition of SEO, but according to the old Bloggers and Webmasters Experiance, it can work for it.

 To make Blog SEO Friendly. At least one hour per day has to be paid for SEO. After which, in one to two months you will learn the necessary SEO and will be able to make your website SEO FRIENDLY.

 SEO is mainly divided into 2 parts.

 On-page Optimization - When you work on a blog as you create pages or posts or change the design of the blog, then all this work comes under On Page Optimization.

 To do On Page Optimization on Blog, you have to optimize Blog Design, Title, Meta Description, Keywords, Tags, Internal Links, External links, Images and other media etc. for Search Engines.

 In on-page optimization, we have to do all the work on the blog, so we can do all this work easily.

 If your blog is on WordPress, then you will be able to do all the work easily through some plugins like SEO By Yoast.

 Off-page Optimization - We have to do all the work of Off Page Optimization outside our website.

 Such as - Creating High Quality Backlink, Traffic Drive from Social Sites, Traffic Drive from Forums etc.

 This work takes a bit longer because we depend on other websites for this, but if you spend 1 hour every day on Off Page SEO, then Off Page Optimization for your blog is better.

 7. Guest Blogging

 Guest Blogging is a very good way through which you can drive traffic from every guest post to other good blogs for the whole life.

 A new Do Follow Backlink is also easily found through Guest Post which strengthens op page optimization and enhances Domain Authority.

 To make a guest post, you must make at least one guest post every week by searching other Top Blogs with Topics related to your blog.

 By posting a guest on a Top Blog, you can get 1000 Visitor per day Refferal Traffic easily.

 Guest The following things should be remembered while blogging.

 The domain authority and page authority of the blog on which the blog is to be posted should be higher than the DA and PA of your blog.

 Guest Post only on Blogs related to your Blog Niche.

 Give Guest Post to Blogs with more traffic first.

 8. Blog Commenting

 Blog commenting is also the easiest way to increase traffic and no follow links.

 For this, you have to search the top blogs related to blogs and make comments on their posts.

 Through Blog Comments, you receive no follow links, which increases Domain Authority and Page Authority to some extent and by looking at your comments people also try to learn about your blog, which increases Blog Traffic.

 While commenting blog, remember that you do not have to comment on any low quality website and make as many as 10 comments in a day.

 Note: New bloggers are spamming while making blog comments like Blog Links or Email Id etc. in the comment section, which is a wrong way, so your comment is not approved.

 So while commenting on any blog post, remember that you have to write your name in the Name section, the URL of the website in the URL section, Email address in the Email section and the comments related to the blog post in the Message section, in such a way that your comments will be approved. Chance will be more

 9. Reply On Comments

 Be sure to reply to all the comments on your blog because it makes a good connection between the blog readers and users stay on your blog more time.

 Google also considers comments to be more and your posts helpful and appears above in the search result.

 If a Spam makes comments, do not approve it and delete it immediately. Because such comments reduce the ranking of the blog and there is a risk of being a Blog Hack.

 10. Share On Social Sites

 In today's time, there is a lot of traffic on social sites and with the help of them you can easily increase traffic on the blog.

 For this, create an account on all social sites and share all the posts of your blog on Social Sites.

 To not share all posts on Social Sites simultaneously, make a schedule and share the posts on Social Sites one by one according to that schedule.

 HTIPS shares a post on all Social Sites 1 time in 24 hours.

 On Social Sites, you can easily target people by creating a page with the name of the blog and you can increase the traffic of the blog.

 Put Social Share Icon on the blog. With which people can easily find Blog posts on Share on Social Sites.

 By continuously sharing old posts on Social Sites, traffic on your old posts also increases, due to which your old posts also increase in ranking in Google search.

 11. Publish List Posts

 By publishing List Post, your number of readers will increase and people will come to your blog again and again to read List Posts, which will definitely increase your traffic.

 To publish List Posts on your blog, many posts have to be written on a topic.

 like -

 How to increase traffic in 30 ways

 How to increase TRAFFIC without SEO

 7 easy ways to increase traffic etc.

 12. Join Forums

 There are many advantages to joining forums. By joining Froums, you get to learn a lot of new things.

 If you ever face any problem related to Blogging, then you will be able to solve that problem by asking the old Bloggers in the Forum.

 In the forums, you give answers to the questions of anyone, then you can easily drive the blog with backlinks and good traffic by sharing the blog's links.

 Forums identify with other bloggers, making it easy for Guest Blogging to be able to easily create backlinks.

 If you give 10 to 15 minutes daily in answering fourms questions, then you can bring good traffic from blogs to blog.

 13. Join Question Answer Sites

 With Questions and Answers Websites you can generate good traffic, give answers to the questions of people on the plan 10 to 15 Minute, Questions Answers Sites and also give a link to the post of your blog in the answer.

 If your answers are good, then people will definitely come to read posts on your blog and your traffic will increase.

 Create an account on some good question answers sites like Quora today and start answering questions.

 Improvment will be visible in your blog traffic in a month.

 14. Create Youtube Channel

 In today's time, Youtube is among the highest trends after Google, so definitely take help of Youtube to increase traffic.

 To get traffic from Youtube, make videos related to the topic of your blog and upload it to youtube channel and give a link to the blog post in the discription of the video.

 By working on Youtube, you can earn money from Youtube, so you should definitely take double the profit by making videos for the blog on Youtube.

 The search engine also gives more priority to visual contents, so put Youtube videos in your blog posts as well.

 With this, your blog post will be ranked in the search engine and all people will have to understand your post.

 15. Share Video On LinkedIn

 To increase traffic, Linkedin is also very good social sites, you share blog posts and YouTube videos on Linkedin.

 With which some traffic will start coming on your blog and it is said that drop by drop fills the pot with water.

 In the same way, do not ignore low traffic and drive traffic on the blog as much as possible from all places.

 Due to the share on social sites, the search engine rank of the blog will increase and after some time good traffic will start coming on the blog.

 16. Optimize for Mobile

 In today's time, 80% of people run the Internet from mobile, so make your blog mobile friendly. So that all mobile users can easily read blog posts in mobile.

 Google also gives more priority to Mobile Friendly Blogs, so Google has created Mobile Friendly Test Tool to optimize Blogs.

 With the help of which you can test your blog's mobile friendly and increase the chances of ranking the blog in Google.

 17. Write Trends Article

 It is very beneficial to write a post on Trends Topics related to Blog Topic, if any post of your trends article is on the first page in Google Search, then a single post gets millions of views in a day, due to which your entire website or blog's rank increases She goes.

 You can use Google trends to find trends topics and you can also increase good traffic by writing posts on normal trends like Diwali, Holi, Eid etc.

 18. Update Blog Regularly

 To increase regular traffic, you need to update Regular New Posts on the blog because as many new Contents will come on your blog and as many new readers will come on your blog.

 Google will also rank your blog by updating to new posts. Which will bring more traffic to your blog.

 19. Update Old Posts

 All the information keeps changing with time, therefore, in order to always provide updated information to your readers, the posts should be updated on time so that all your readers will get the information.

 While updating the posts, putting new photos and videos in the posts is more effective, so add the posts Visual Contents.

 Updating old posts makes your old posts new, Google and other search engines index your posts again, so that your posts also start appearing on the first page in search and traffic on old posts also increases.

 20. Transform Content

 This Points is going to be of great benefit to you because you do not have to work too hard for this and the traffic is going to be boost.

 Create Ebooks for all blog posts and also give your blog links in Ebooks so that those who do not have time to read Blog Post will be able to download your Ebooks later and share it with their friends, which will lead to the advertisment of your blog. More people will come to your blog.

 You can transform all the posts of blogs into videos and share them on other sites and you can increase the traffic of your blog and also earn money from videos.

 21. Reduce Bounce Rate

 To rank your posts in Search Engines, the Bounce rate of the blog has to be as low as possible. You can check the Bounce Rate of your blog or website through Google analytics or Alexa Ranking.

 To reduce the Bounce Rate, you have to make blog articles interesting and useful. The more photos and videos you use in posts, the lower the Bounce rate will be, but it is very important to be useful as well as related to Videos and Images Topic.

 22. Increase CTR

 Click through rate (CTR) means how many people clicked on your post after appearing in your Posts Search Engines. Meaning if a post of your blog was seen 100 times in the Post Search Engine, then 60 times when people clicked on your post, then the CTR of your post is 60.

 The CTR of any blog can be viewed in Google Analytics Account or on Alexa Ranking Site and to increase the CTR you have to make the title and Meta Tag of BLOG POSTS attractive.

 To Imorove the title and Meta Tag of the blog, you should use Yoast SEO or All IN ONE SEO.

 23. Build Email List

 Never Neglect Email Marketing because through Email you can do 30% Traffic Increase of Blog.

 Invite readers to come to your blog via email.

 To create Email List Build, first of all put a good Subscription Box on Blog.

 Make Subscription necessary for making a PDF by downloading a Free Ebook or a Guide.

 Send an email to your Subscriber on a schedule such as an email in 2 days or an email a week.

 24. Post on is also a good source of increasing traffic because you get backlinks from and if your content is good then good traffic from can drive on your blog. Go to now and start posting by signing up.

 25. Create Free Courses

 If your blog's posts teach people anything, you can create ebooks and provide free courses on udemy and techable. Ebooks will have links to your blogs so that you will have a good Traffic Generate on your blog.

 Do not think that very little traffic will come, so do not waste time, with a little traffic, you will be able to drive your blog and drive 10,000 Page Views easily, so if you get a single page view from any place, then work for it soon. You will see millions of pages Views Per Day on your blog.

 26. Use SSL Certificate

 Google has started ranking some Secured Websites Ajar Blogs and Down Unsecured Websites and Blogs and has started showing Warning to Unsecured Websites and Blogs in Google Chrome Browser so that if you do not use SSL Certificate 90% of Chrome Browsser is going to Traffic Loss for your website or blog.

 Cludflare is a very good website for Free SLL Certifcate using which you can secure the website and blog in free, so make sure to setup a FREE SSL Certificate for your website or blog today in 5 minutes to increase traffic.

 27. Use Browse Cache

 Make sure to use Browser Cache for your website or blog because it stores it for your website or blog in Mobile or Computer so that if someone visits the page again, it takes very less time to load the page.

 You can use W3 Total Cache or Wp Super Cache Plugin to enable Browse Cache.

 28. Accept Guest Post

 By inviting other bloggers to guest post on the blog, with the arrival of new bloggers on your blog, traffic of Decent Amount will come to your blog and by looking at external links and author also your ranking will increase in Google and other Search Engines.

 The biggest advantage of accepting guest post is that you get very good contents and a post without hard work, which can be very useful for your readers, so definitely accept Guest Post on your blog.

 29. Active on social media

 In today's time, maximum traffic is on Social Sites where there is 24 hours of traffic.

 So give some time to promote your blog on Social Sites and drive good traffic on your blog.

 30. Never Anger Google

 Google is the largest search engine in the world, so always keep friendships with it. Because a Google is the only way that can lead you to success.

 If you will befriend Google and work according to its terms and conditions, then one day traffic on your blog will be received only with the help of Google.

 Google should always take care to not block you and never create Fake Traffic, Bad Backlinks, and never try to succeed by cheating Google.

 Hope you have liked this information of how to increase traffic on the blog and by reading this you will be able to increase traffic on the blog.

 If you have any questions related to information about increasing traffic on the blog, then definitely ask in the comments.


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