How to Increase Show Up Rates As An Appointment Setter
Appointment setters, if you’d like to increase your show up rates, keep reading.
I’ll get straight to the point.
I often hear triage calls that focus heavily on selling the service. Trying to get prospects excited for the outcome of joining the program.
Some of this is good, but if its what you primarily use to book the call it could be hurting your show up rate.
Why? Because you’re selling too far out.
You’re selling 2-3 steps ahead.
As an appointment setter, your job is to have qualified prospects show up to calls, excited about the conversation they will be having with who ever is closing the deal.
Yes, generally the closer you can bring them to deciding that they want to work with your company before this call the better. But putting all of your focus there and neglecting the steps in between could be hurting you more than helping.
What are those steps in between?
Selling the call itself.
How often do you sell the value not just of the program, but of getting on the call and speaking with your team.
What do prospects get out of that?
How often do you sell the qualifications of the person they will be speaking too?
Do you take the time to show your prospects that you aren’t just booking them in with a “sales guy” but an authority on the subject matter that can really help them?
Do your prospects show up to the call valuing the closers time and expertise?
Do they believe they are showing up to be sold or to speak with an authority that will help them achieve clarity on their problems, what they want, how to achieve it, and the support they will need so they can come to a decision?
Selling the program is great. But if you’re not already, take some time to sell the immediate next step.
People tend to be more comfortable with accepting a step over a leap.
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