How to increase productivity in your factory? - Production Development
In the previous newsletters about productivity increasement, we have already focused on optimizing two of the six common input factors to increase productivity. This months’ article will focus on workforce, ?process automation for AZO raw material handling systems and how to develop the production further.
Manufacturers want to develop their productions to the next level
When AZO is visiting customers, one of the most common questions is, “How can we bring our production to the next level?”. Of course, answers to that question are for each customer different.
Some manufacturers started their business many years ago on a very manual and basic level, and with no doubt are still very successful with it. In fact, they are so successful that the customer range is developing further and the demand is rising. Yet, the capacities remain limited making new material requirements more complicated. Contamination of products, handling of allergens, halal conformity, or environmental influences are only a few challenges manufacturers have to overcome. Furthermore, an increasing number of mid-sized or family-owned companies are exporting their products worldwide, which complicates the production procedure, due to different requirements. Nevertheless, the demand has to be fulfilled to stay ahead of the market.
From the planning point of view, it would be easiest to simply copy & paste the existing production to increase capacities and add more human resources to somehow manage the complexity. Everybody would know the process and nobody would have to be trained and producers can just continue as always.
Unfortunately, it might not be as simple. ?It wouldn’t be the most resilient strategy to prepare the company for the future. It has nothing to do with “developing the production to the next level”. What was good in the past, is not necessarily good for the future!
High labor costs, shortage of labor, and the risk of human errors are some reasons why it makes sense to explore different possibilities.
But how can AZO determine the right way for your next development steps?
For AZO it is very important to really understand our customers. It is essential to determine the current situation with its challenges and where the customer sees himself in the future. One tool is our productivity check. With the help of this online tool, customers and our AZO consultants can identify areas with improvement potential. Together with the customer, AZO is determining the areas with the biggest potential and the best ROIs.
The solutions presented are focusing on simplification of the production for the operators and letting the system do the “complicated”, time consuming and hard work.
The biggest potential are the bulk and major ingredients, since they usually account for approx. 80% of the recipes. Pneumatic conveying systems are collecting the required amounts at the right time and convey them to the desired production process. Those raw materials are frequently used in all recipes and are not changing often. Automating them will reduce the manual intervention into the production significantly and is a good starting point to get familiar with automation. By this, human resources can be optimized within the production.
Minor and especially micro ingredients are more complicated. Depending on the throughputs, a more sophisticated solution is required, where ingredients are pre-weight and send to the production process. Those ingredients are changing more often and giving the final product the characteristic like color or flavor. Those fully integrated automation concepts, reduce the manual handling to a minimum and give manufacturers a perfect overview in real time about the production KPIs.
Important for AZO is it to find the ideal overall solution for the customer, which balance the technological and the economic aspects and considers the development of our clients. Usually options and scenarios are presented together with a masterplan how to reach the target.
If you want to develop your production to the next level, get in touch with your AZO consultant and determine your productivity potential with our questionnaire.
About AZO Ltd.
AZO Ltd. provides innovative bulk material and raw material handling solutions for the reliable automation of ingredient handling in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and plastic industry in Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
For more information about AZO’s solutions for the plastic industry, check out our website or sign up to AZO's newsletter. We are looking forward to planning your next ingredient handling automation steps together with you!
written by: Wolfgang Hummler