How to Incorporate Wearable Scanning Solutions in Your Business from Zebra
As eCommerce picked up, speed and efficiency have become more important to correctly keep up with tasks. Wearable scanning technology has also proven it can increase efficiency in picking when both hands are needed for heavy and bulky items. If the devices are tethered there is no independent power supply, and the cable can get in the way or get twisted up and cause problems.
Wearable barcoding solutions are optimal for scanning and picking in several industries, including manufacturing, warehouse, distribution, transportation and logistics, and retail. A total wearable solution enhances productivity and efficiency with faster scanning, faster picking, and faster transactions with fewer repetitive injuries.
Wearable tech can help productivity in many areas of your facility, including:
Warehouse / Distribution / Transportation and Logistics:
Automotive Industry Use Case?
Incorporating a total wearable scanning solution can provide valuable savings that add up quickly. An automotive plant can build upwards of 1,000 vehicles a day, with each vehicle requiring approximately 1,000 scans. Every second saved per scan can equal a total savings of 1,000,000 seconds per day, coming out to roughly 12 working days in one business day.
Wearable solutions can also help employees by minimizing the steps to scan and move items. For example, an employee needs to scan a 20-pound brake rotor. Using a scanner terminal, the employee picks up the scanner, scans the item, puts the scanner down, picks the item up, and places it onto a cart or pallet. A ring scanner eliminates the need to pick up and put down the scanner terminal.
Omnichannel Warehouse Use Case
In an omnichannel warehouse, many products can be coming and going. Having to pick up and put down a scanner terminal to pick and stock items can be time-consuming. Using wearable technology, employees can point, scan, and pick items more quickly and efficiently.
Another example is in receiving. Items coming in can be in large boxes on pallets that may need to go to several locations. A quick, hands-free scan and a glance at the host mobile computer on the wrist can have employees moving items without having to pick up and put down other equipment, saving time and energy.
Consumer Products Use Case
From the front of a store to the back, wearable technology is great for consumer product businesses. Backroom complexities can be lowered using all-in-one swappable batteries. One consumer products company went from only using handheld terminals to a completely wearable solution due to the increase in eCommerce and on-demand ordering.
Picking efficiency and productivity improved by 15% by removing the unnecessary steps of picking up and putting down scanner terminals. Orders were easily seen and verified on wearable mobile host computers, with the ring scanners leaving hands available for picking items.
Some wearable mobile host computers can incorporate voice picking, where verbal commands are provided through a headset, directing employees to specific products, which can also reduce employee training time.
Service Management Maximizes Your Time and Productivity
Some businesses hesitate in upgrading wearable barcode technologies due to the time-consuming work of porting. Imprint Enterprises, a Premiere Solution Partner with Zebra Technologies, can do all the work for you, freeing up valuable time and energy. The setup, application loading, and software management can all be completed by the experts for you.
Create a total wearable scanning solution that will increase productivity and efficiency, saving your company money. With technological advancements, wearable technology has greater accuracy for maximum performance and enhanced ergonomic designs.
Imprint is the Leading Expert that Can Help Your Business
With over 30 years of experience and product knowledge, Imprint Enterprises is an industry-leading provider of barcode equipment, software, repair, maintenance solutions, and more. Imprint Enterprises supports multiple industries and is a?Premiere Solution Partner?with Zebra Technologies, a leader in the barcoding technologies industry.
Disconnected workers must take more steps to complete a task, which requires more time and can erode operational efficiency. Simplify task-based workflows and communications by improving your technology to meet the demands of the increased on-demand eCommerce. No matter your industry, you’ll see a faster movement of products.
Zebra Technologies has the products you need to create a total wearable scanning solution to save time and money by increasing productivity. Imprint is the expert that can help you determine the best solutions for your business, moving your business into the future. Set-up and management are no longer a complex and time-consuming ordeal when the specialists can do it for you.
Our friendly team of knowledgeable professionals can talk with you to help you determine the best wearable solution for your company. Contact Imprint Enterprises?today!