How to Improve Your Memory

Sometimes I forget things. I realize this may be hard for you to believe. :)

But I do. Only a few weeks ago, I completely forgot to pick up my daughter from school. For some reason I thought it was Monday instead of Tuesday. I thought I had another whole hour before I had to pick her.

She wasn’t happy when she called to see where I was.

In my defense, it must have been a 3 day weekend.

So now, every morning when I drop the girls off at school, I ask them what time I need to pick them up.

They used to give me a hard time about this, as if I can possibly remember everyone’s schedule. But now we clarify and all is good. Simple problem. Easy fix.

Turns out, there are lots-O-ways you can fix memory loss. One of them just happens to be exercise.

A friend recently sent me an article from titled “20 Minutes of Exercise Before an Exam Can Boost Your Scores.”

It got me thinking. There is no question, that when I exercise, I am more focused, less stressed and think more clearly.

I decided to explore this further. I found a plethora of articles about how exercise improves memory. There are like a zillion case studies to prove this.

How much exercise is needed?

According to Harvard Health Publishing, you only need 120 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, to improve your memory.

Standard recommendations recommend 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, most days of the week. Or 150 minutes per week.

Break that down anyway you’d like. But if you only squeeze in 20 minutes of exercise each day, that’s 140 minutes.

That includes walking at a moderate pace, running, biking, swimming (any typical exercise activity) and household chores, like raking leaves, sweeping or dancing in the kitchen.

Alright, you get the point. I’m not a numbers gal. What I do know is that exercise makes you feel better, helps you think more clearly and improves your memory.

In “Zipping It Up: How to lose 5 pounds fast - and look great in that little black dress” I show you ways to squeeze in exercise, even on the busiest days. It’s available on Amazon Kindle for a WHOPPING $2.99. Less than a fancy Latte at your fav-O-rite coffee shop. It’s available in paperback too.

Before I forget...

I had the pleasure of being a guest on Heartrepreneur Radio with the amazing Terri Levine. She is a best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur, business coach and mentor. You can check it out here:


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