How to Improve your Health

How to Improve your Health

A lot of things affect how healthy we are. In turn, being in good health can lower your risk of contracting specific diseases.

  • 1. Eat slowly

When you eat quickly, your body has a hard time realising when it is satisfied since your brain can't keep up and tricks you into thinking you are still hungry. On the other hand, when you take your time and chew your food, your brain signals to you to stop eating before you overeat.

  • 2. Eat more fruits and vegetables

A diet high in fruits and vegetables can lower blood pressure, lessen the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, cut the risk of eye and digestive issues, and improve blood sugar levels, which can help control appetite.

  • Drink more water

There are a lot advantages of drinking more water: It aids in calorie restriction, fuels our muscles, protects our kidneys, and hydrates the skin.

  • Sleep for at least 6 hours

Though in this busy life we often tend to skip the minimum 6 hours of sleep. But our body need to relax because our metabolism works best while we sleep. It helps us to keep our mind calm and removes anxiety



