How To Improve On Your Conversion Rate
Austin Distel

How To Improve On Your Conversion Rate

Yes you got a lot of traffic to your site, app, and landing page and yes you have a large marketing budget but the main issue marketers face is the conversion rate on those platforms. If your conversion rate is low then there is something you need to find out your audience and systems you use and how you retain one you already have once your study and engage with your audience you can get to serve them on to what they actually what to signup for

There are so many factors that affect this but am just pointing out a few in this article

Website, landing page, and app optimization

Billions of sites, landing pages, sales funnels and app out there, powerful landing page builders on WordPress like elementor software like clickfunnels, unbounce ,leadpages, inbuilt lading page builder in Mailchimp and Hubspot and website builders like wordpress, shopify ,wix ,webflow . Now its easier than before to even build an app with no coding experience with drag and drop like amazon web services all these are tools that help in the creation process of your business

The creation is also the optimization area to create a platform that sells and engages

a. Increase on your site/ app loading speed

b. Update and maintain your app from bugs

c. Make appealing aesthetics

d. Enticing call to Action

e. Create urgency

f. Make sure your social proof is available such testimonials or current sales or visitors or level of engagement or number of downloads

g. Provide an irresistible offer

h. Good Copyright

Platform A/B Testing

Not only now that you be an artist you also have and good scientist, but experimenting is also the new form the most, advanced and returning strategies most companies use. Softwares like optimisly make it easy to create and a/b test your products/ platforms without shutting down everything and starting from scratch. Because we are targeting large audiences with different behavior, psychographics

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