How To Improve Your Business By 120% Each Year
Adam Stott
Founder - Big Business Events | Business Growth Programs | Coach | Speaker | Best-Selling Author I Business Columnist
Coaching and training is key. If you think about sport's coaching - a sports coach, everybody has had sports coaches and will tell you that they are not always nice to you. But, do they push you? Yes, they do. And why do they push you? They push you to get the best out of you.
If we are in business and we are an island and trying to do it on our own, then what we often find is one makes bad decisions or makes decisions we wouldn't have made with the right guidance. Essentially you have two paths in front of you — you want to walk the most profitable path and that's where coaching plays a major part. I've seen that with many of the members of our community.
I think that if I look at the different things that contributed to the varied results that I have had in the past, coaching is one of them and social media is another and also having that mindset of continually learning, continually improving and also setting aside any ego and making sure that you are always open to receiving and listening. That's absolutely key.
Last year I went to the USA for 5 days for some group training with Eye Coaching. I was at that event and teaching at the event. It was a 5 day event and I was there for 4 days ( when not teaching myself) but I think that I almost took more notes than anyone else. I was listening, I was open, I was receiving all the information. I was looking for any way that I can get an edge and always being on the ball.
That's where you've got to be in your mindset towards your purpose. It's very easy for us to switch off - it's very easy for us to think "I've heard that before - I know that". At the end of the day if you know it and you're not doing it - you don't have it. That's the reality.
We need to make sure that we're very much open to receiving. Repetition is important too. You might have heard the message before, but if you just heard it once before and you've not acted upon it, you not buying it and then you're not reaping the results from actually implementing those ideas and concepts. Everybody needs that time, where they take themselves out of the business, they sit down, they get to work, they start implementing, start taking action and they work on their business instead of in it. I think I need to give you my take on that as its important.
There are a lot of people that are working on their business and not working in it. What happens when people do this, the results go down. We need to have a balance of both. We need to be working in our business, we need to be increasing the sales, improving the marketing, working with our teams, being committed, and focused.
We need to take that time out where we get training, mentoring and coaching ourselves and we really go to work on improving every aspect of the business, so we can be reinvigorated. We can go back in to our businesses with more energy, more passion, more enthusiasm and as the leader that's going to spread throughout your teams allowing you to go out there and get better results. I have always had a practice where once a quarter, at least, I will make sure that I take myself out of the business. I am training, I'm learning something new, I'm putting things in place.
Now if you improve by one percent every month, then that's a 12% increase by the end of the year towards a better business plus compounded. If you improve by 10% each month that means 120% better business by the end of the year.
If you want to grow your sales, double your revenue and double your income; simply go and implement new ideas, concepts, new strategies, new vision into your business every single month and you are going to see massive improvement.
Cheers for now -