How to Improve Product Yield

How to Improve Product Yield

Enhancing the Product Yield Can Make the Batch Chemical, Pharmaceutical, and Allied Products Manufacturing Business Profitable and Sustainable

You are not sure whether to be happy about it or become worried. There’re enough reasons for both.

You are working for a large chemical manufacturing company. Your company is manufacturing specialty chemicals as well as fine chemicals. Recently you are facing problems with one of your fine chemical product. In fact it’s one of your star products. You are the major supplier because of the selling price and the quality of your product. Things were great. But of late the selling price has started falling. Your company is trying to retain the market by matching the market price. But you know no one is happy. Why? Because.

You are not making the kind of profit you used to make earlier. And as per the market intelligence, the trend of selling price falling may continue. If you believe the news that one of your competitor is making the product at much lesser price, then the situation may become serious in future. Naturally the people at the top are worried.

Reducing the Manufacturing Cost By Yield Improvement

It’s not that you are not trying to reduce the manufacturing cost. All the departments have been instructed to go for cost cutting as much as possible. In fact a top level team is working on the issue. Though they have concluded and there’s only one solution as of now to address the issue. But implementing the solution is not easy.

After analyzing all aspects of the manufacturing system they have decided to give it a try. It was to increase the yield. Why?

Because the manufacturing process is a multi-step chemical conversion involving seven synthesis steps to make this product. As the step yields are not good, the overall yield is less. What the economic analysis revealed is that if the overall yield can be improved then the situation may change. It can result in the reduction of the consumption of expensive starting materials as well as other materials like reagents, catalysts, solvents. And so is the case with the energy consumption, which is quite significant.

Now there’re several questions. How to achieve this difficult target? Who can do this? How long will it take to get the results? What will be the market situation in the days to come?

The top level team have already listed down the names of the people who can give justice to this important task. As far as you know, they have already talked to some individuals. None of them was interested. You are in fact the fourth choice. All three who have not accepted this opportunity are seniors to you – almost two levels higher.

Tomorrow the top level team is going to visit the manufacturing facility. They will talk to you personally to know whether you are willing to take up the challenge. The site head has already informed you about that.

Difficult Challenge

And you know the reason why the seniors didn’t accept this opportunity. Of course it’s an opportunity. Whosoever can achieve this difficult target can expect rapid career growth with handsome rewards. But still they didn’t opt for it. Why?

Because it involves risk, enormous risk at that. The task is exceedingly difficult. For some years you are making this product and a lot of improvements already have been done in the process. But that doesn’t seem to be enough. You need an approach which can result in massive improvement.

You are the kind of person who gets excited when there’re difficult challenges. But this situation is a little bit different. One part of you is excited to take up the challenge and confident enough to complete it in record time. While the other part is worried.

Looking to the risk involved, your practical part is not in favor of it. You know about the risks. The biggest issue you are worried about is you may not get enough cooperation from the team members. Of course the top management will support you to the maximum extent.

But you have to make it happen. You have to do whatever has to be done. The thing which favors you is your technical expertise. And the people at the top know it very well. Otherwise why they would have chosen you. In the deepest corner of your heart you are happy. In fact you were looking for such an opportunity since long.

Accepting the Challenge

In the meeting, you accepted the challenge of improving the Yield significantly. In other way, it was to reduce the manufacturing cost drastically without compromising on the product quality. Product quality enhancement will be an added bonus. The Improvement project is handed over to you formally along with the necessary support.

Why Yield Improvement?

As you usually do with all the assignments, you started listing down the advantages under different heads.

Reduction in the Manufacturing Cost

Based on the product cost related information you have collected so far, you divided the cost components into four areas.

Starting Materials:

The manufacturing process starts with the starting materials – the chemical compounds to start with. The starting molecules get chemically converted during the synthesis steps. Some starting materials are used from the beginning and some are introduced in the intermediate synthetic steps. And it’s based on the route of synthesis.

The yield Improvements result in increasing the outputs with the same inputs. That’s the reason why it helps in reducing the starting material requirements. And the result is manufacturing cost reduction.

Reagents and Catalysts:

Different types of reagents and catalysts are used in the synthesis steps. In most of the chemical processes the step yield improvements result in reduction in the specific consumption – consumption per unit volume of the product output – of reagents and catalysts. Naturally you can expect appreciable reduction in the manufacturing cost of the product.


Different types of solvents are used in different synthesis steps. And the spent solvents generated during the chemical synthesis are collected. The solvents are recovered in pure form and reused in the manufacturing process.

In most of the chemical processes the step yield improvements result in reduction in the specific consumption – consumption per unit volume of the product output – of the solvents. And you can expect appreciable reduction in the manufacturing cost of the product.

Energy Costs:

The electrical power and different types of utilities are used in the manufacturing processes. In most of the chemical processes the step yield improvements result in reduction in the specific energy consumption – consumption per unit volume of the product output – of electrical power and the utilities. And you know it will result in manufacturing cost reduction.

Product Quality Improvement

The chemical compounds get converted to the products by molecular transformations. And so the lower product yield always indicates at two issues.

Byproduct Formation or Generation of Impurities:

During chemical conversions along with main chemical reaction some side reactions will always be there. However reaction optimization initiatives can minimize the side reactions if not making it zero.

The products of the side reactions are undesirable compounds and they reduce the product yield significantly. They are also called as impurities. And they make the separation complex and expensive. When you optimize the process parameters in favor of the main reaction then the side reactions get almost zero.

Product Degradation:

Product degradation during both reaction and separation processes play a very important role in reducing the yield as well as generating impurities – undesirable degraded products.

in fact product degradation does more harm than what it looks like. It results in reduction of Yield. In fact it’s losing what you have already manufactured. Additionally it affects the product quality badly.

So be it side reactions (impurities formations) or product degradation, the result is product quality improvements along with cost reduction. Right?

The product quality enhancement is always helpful. Why? Because in addition to other advantages, the premium quality products fetch higher prices in the market place resulting in increased profitability.

Once you have listed down the outcome, you felt better, much better. You got motivated to put in massive efforts.

Collecting Relevant Information

You started the work with collecting all the relevant information so that you can design the improvement initiatives properly.

You are knowing the Importance of information and especially the quality of the information very well. The quality of your decisions depends on the quality of information available to you.

You collected information from four major sources

Technical Literature

You started studying all kinds of technical literature available and made notes. As usual you suppressed your urge to analyze the information. You wanted to collect as much information as possible. The only thing important to you now is to ensure that the information is relevant to your needs.

Plant Data

In addition you studied the plant data extensively in order to find some clue. You are in fact very alert to ensure the accuracy. You studied the log sheets and discussed at length with the plant people especially for qualitative information. You have given more weightage to the Instrumentation outputs.

Process Development Studies

The next important source of critical information is the outcome of process development studies. So you studied the information available in the laboratory meticulously and discussed about the important points with the laboratory scientists.

Estimation Methods

The fourth source of information is the usage of estimation methods. It’s to directly calculate or estimate the desired parameter using appropriate computer models. Here you used to prefer the simple software programs you have developed yourself.

What normally you used to do is to use the commercial software to get the information. And then cross check them with your own calculations. The idea is to avoid incorrect conclusions.

Whatever be the source of information, you cross checked them with reference to technical concepts including the usage of computer models, instrumentation output, and doing some simple laboratory experimentation. The idea was to make the basis correct.

Improving the Product Yield

You are knowing it very well that in order to improve the product yield you have to focus on two areas.

  • Step Reaction Yield,
  • Step Separation and Purification Efficiency.

Enhancing the Step Reaction Yield

Before getting into the details you wanted to have the bigger picture on what’s really happening in the synthesis steps. The Material Balance is what can really help you here. Right? Let’s see.

Reaction Material Balance

In each synthesis step the input molecule is converted into stage Output molecule which remains in the reaction mixture. There’re inputs like reactants, solvents, reagents, catalysts, and other critical ingredients. Whereas the output is the mixture of the product or the stage Intermediate, catalysts, reagent based molecules, solvents, and other undesirable compounds.

What you are interested in doing is to balance the input and output. It doesn’t matter whether the inputs and outputs are solids, liquids, or gases. Everything need to be taken into account. The mass can neither be created nor destroyed. They can only change from one form to another. The idea is to find out the loss areas so that you can do something about them.

Finding Out the Actual Reaction Yield

In order to find out the stage reaction yield, It’s essential to know the concentration of the stage product or intermediate output in the reactor content. Why?

Because then only it will be possible to know the actual stage reaction Yield. However the accuracy of the analytical method is important to calculate the correct Yield.

Once you know the actual Yield you could see how big is the gap. Based on your past experience you decided to focus on the critical areas.

Understanding the Chemical Reaction

It’s not an option. It’s a must to understand the chemical reaction especially what’s really happening at the molecular level.

What’s the main reaction? What’re the side reactions? What about the reagents and catalysts used and how to optimally use them? The most important question is how to take the reaction into completion in the shortest time possible. Right?

And to do justice to this important task, you studied and analyzed all possibilities. Once you have the complete picture, you designed some improvement initiatives based on the technical feasibility and the resources availability.

Engineering to Match the Reaction Process Demand

When the process goes from laboratory to the plant the whole scenario changes. Small laboratory batches get scaled up to huge plant batches. Here the engineering comes into picture. And the engineering must fulfill the process demand. Let's see how:

  • High heat transfer capability of the equipments along with matching utility supply can fulfill the cooling requirement of a highly exothermic (generating enormous heat) reaction.
  • Efficient mixing system to avoid dead zones ( space getting very little mixing) in the reactor in order to maximize the reaction Output.
  • Specialized arrangements for continuously removing certain molecules (reaction product) from the reaction mixture to drive the synthesis into completion.

Whatever be the requirement, it’s the Efficient Engineering which delivers. Then what else?

Maintaining the Process Parameters at Optimum Level

For each and every reaction the process parameters need to be maintained at certain range in order to make the reaction efficient.

The idea here is to maximize the main reaction and to avoid or at least minimize the side reactions. Both types of reactions need different process parameters to function efficiently. Clever optimization can provide you with the process parameters essential for the efficiency of the synthesis step. The what else?

Matching the Utilities Supply with the Reaction Process Demand

Efficient operation of reaction steps calls for matching utilities. The utilities must fulfill the process demand.

Excess and expensive utility usage can result in the increase in the Manufacturing Cost. Lack of proper Utility availability can lead to inefficient reactions and adverse effects on the yield.

You are not interested in any of the above. That’s the reason why you decided to ensure optimized utility system. Right? The what else?

Avoid Product Degradation during Reaction

If there’s a remote possibility of product degradation, then the most important thing to focus on is how to avoid it

And so first of all you checked all the reaction steps with respect to product degradation. You could see that in two to three steps there’re possibilities of product degradation. And you did whatever it takes to ensure that there’s no product degradation.

Enhancing the Separation and Purification Efficiency

Before getting into the details you wanted to have the bigger picture on what’s really happening in the work up processes – separating the product or intermediate from the reaction mixture. The Material Balance is what can really help you here. Right? Let’s see.

Material Balance of the Separation Process

In order to selectively separate the product from the reaction mixture different separation processes like liquid liquid extraction, distillation, crystallization, and other techniques are employed.

Whatever be the separation processes there’re inputs:

  • In Liquid – Liquid extraction it’s the solvent and extraction enhancing agents.
  • It crystallization it’s solvents, acids & bases, precipitants and so on.
  • In distillation may be there’re no inputs or specialized compounds based on the type of distillation.

Accordingly the output is the product along with the ingredients used in the separation process.

What you are interested in doing is to balance the input and output. It doesn’t matter whether the inputs and outputs are solids, liquids, or gases. Everything need to be taken into account. The basic idea is to find the loss areas so that you can do something about them.

Finding Out the Actual Separation Efficiency

In order to find out the stage separation efficiency, It’s essential to know the concentration of the stage product or intermediate output in the reactor content. Why?

Because then only it will be possible to know the actual stage separation efficiency. However the accuracy of the analytical method is important to make the calculations correct.

Once you know the actual efficiencies you see how big is the gap. Based on your past experience you decided to focus on the critical areas.

Understanding the Separation Processes

It’s not an option. It’s a must to understand the separation processes especially what’s really happening at the molecular level.

How the separation processes work? What’re the critical factors? What about the inputs used and how to optimize their quantities? The most important question is how to maximize the separation efficiency and achieve highest purification.

And to do justice to this important task, you studied and analyzed all possibilities. Once you have the complete picture, you designed some improvement initiatives based on the technical feasibility and the resources available.

Engineering to Match the Separation Process Demand

When the process goes from laboratory to the plant the whole scenario changes. Small laboratory batches get scaled up to huge plant batches.

Here the engineering comes into picture. And the engineering must fulfill the process demand. Let's see how:

  • High heat transfer capability of the equipments along with matching utility supply can fulfill the cooling requirement of a highly demanding separation process.
  • Efficient mixing system to avoid dead zones ( space getting very little mixing) in the equipment in order to maximize the separation efficiency.

Whatever be the requirement, it’s the Efficient Engineering which is a must. well, what else?

Maintaining the Process Parameters at Optimum Level

For each and every separation process and the molecules involved, the process parameters need to be maintained at certain range. The idea here is to maximize the separation efficiency and achieve highest product quality. Then what else is important?

Matching the Utilities Supply with the Separation Process Demand

Efficient operation of the Separation processes call for matching utilities. The utilities must fulfill the process demand.

Excess and expensive utility usage can result in the increase in the Manufacturing Cost. Lack of proper Utility availability can lead to inefficient separation and adversely effects the yield.

You are not interested in any of the above. That’s the reason why you decided to ensure optimized utility system. Right? The what else is important?

Avoid Product Degradation during the separation

If there’s some possibility of product degradation, then the most important thing to focus on is how to avoid product degradation.

And so first of all you checked all the separation steps with respect to product degradation. And you did whatever it takes to ensure that there’s no product degradation.

Improving the Overall Yield

Now you are in a better position to design the initiatives for enhancing overall yield. You decided on some improvement initiatives. Let's see what are they.

Engineering Modifications

When you started evaluating the process equipments and systems you could find a number of gaps. Without waiting for anything you started doing detailed engineering calculations and simulations to confirm the possibilities of improvements.

Based on the resources available and technical feasibility you planned some high value added modifications. In fact you are interested in the low hanging fruits. And you are interested in completing the modifications before you are ready for the plant trials.

Once you have decided on the engineering modifications you concentrated on process modifications. You decide to achieve the improvements in laboratory scale and confirm some of process conclusions.

Laboratory Experimentation

You are knowing it very well that if you can achieve some improvements in the laboratory scale the motivation will get doubled. In fact you yourself are also feeling a little bit uncertain about the outcome.

That’s why you made a detailed plan to conduct a series of laboratory experiments. And you personally observed each and every laboratory batch. As per your habit you documented everything whatever you observed. You are convinced that there’s no harm in putting everything on the paper. Your past experience says this habit can result in tremendous gains.

Initial laboratory experiments were not up to your satisfaction. After analyzing the data and doing further studies you modified them and continued the experiments.

However today you are feeling a little bit stressed. You are thinking what will be the result of today’s experiment. You have already taken care of all the critical aspects. Sometimes back you have come from the laboratory and after getting a shower you are relaxing on your sofa with a cup of steaming coffee.

The next moment. there was a beep sound from your cell phone indicating that you have received a message. Normally you follow a habit of checking the messages intermittently. Normally in this situation you wouldn’t have checked the message before finishing your coffee. But now you couldn’t suppress the urge to check the message. And it was as per your expectation. It was from the laboratory. Once you read the message, you couldn’t believe your eyes. All your worries got evaporated and that confident smile came back to your face. You started reading the message again and again to confirm.

You can’t wait any more. You wanted to reach the laboratory as early as possible. Once you are in the laboratory you planned not even the laboratory batches but also plant batches. Then and there you sent the emails to the higher ups for their information.

Trial Batches in the Plant

You conducted some plant trials under your close supervision. From the beginning the results were excellent.

You wanted to establish the improved process in the plant for consistent output. You revised the standard operating procedures and made systems to make the manufacturing process robust.

The top management team was closely observing the situation. In fact you are delaying the conclusion while the plant was running in full blast. You wanted the corporate commercial department conclude and confirm the outcome. While you are thinking about this you could see an email in your cellphone inviting you for the concluding meeting at the corporate office

Concluding Meeting at the Corporate Office

It was a pleasant surprise for you to see the CEO in the meeting. You were not expecting him.

Once the meeting started the CEO himself concluded, “Look gentle man. You have performed a miracle. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the special report from the commercial head. I had a detailed discussion with him about our business objectives and the economic impact."

He continued, "Well, you have improved the yield. You have improved the quality. You have enhanced the production capacity without investing anything significant. You have improved the whole manufacturing system. And the manufacturing cost has come down to a level where we can capture the market. I want to repeat this success in all our manufacturing facilities. We are creating a new senior position for you. You will be responsible for the manufacturing improvements of all our manufacturing sites. Now let me know your opinion and how to go about it."

In fact you were waiting for this type of opportunity to convey your views.

You continued, “Sir, let me first thank the top management team for the support and the encouragements. This was the result of an integrated innovative approach. So you can always expect this type of success by following the approach. However I shall mention two points for your consideration.

First of all, as you are aware the manufacturing processes are complex and interrelated. It calls for application oriented knowledge and expertise.

And there’s huge gap between the actual knowledge level and the required level. That’s why conducting suitable technical training programs periodically for all levels of employees can add tremendous value.

The other important point is to prepare the organization for the future. It’s possible by adopting Technical Innovations wholeheartedly.

Targeted research and development, integrated evaluation and optimization of the manufacturing facilities can help you maximize the profitability. And powerful project engineering and management to achieve sustainable exponential growth. Hiring the services of Technical Experts can go a long way in achieving the Manufacturing Excellence."

No sooner than you stop the CEO started again, “ Now you are our Chief Innovations Officer. You have got my approval. Now tell me when are we planning to start the journey towards the Manufacturing Excellence”.

What’re You Planning to Do to Enhance the Yield?


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