How to Improve My Conversation Skills Part 2
Jo-Anne Cardinal
Confidence enabler in English speaking. - I See Culture. - Helping professionals advance in their careers by communicating confidently in English.
Effective Listening (Active Listening)
This is a topic that I am quite passionate about, so it is very difficult for me to stop investigating and actually write on the subject. I’ve discovered these two websites, which are not related to language learning: ;
I will use the main concepts and expand on them for English as second language learners. Feel free to investigate further, comment and ask.
First of all, we must consider how to listen effectively.
Don’t feel obliged to talk, as a matter of fact, don’t talk: listen. Many non-native speakers feel the necessity to show the world that they know, they can speak, and want to speak more in English than they do in Spanish. When you see that the timing is right, correspond by clarifying that you have understood the information.
Force yourself to stop thinking of other matters. It is even more difficult for people managing two languages at the same time, if your mind wanders off in your native tongue, it may be complicated to understand even the basics. Beware of your personal habits (looking at the telephone or elsewhere, doodling, scratching, ruffling your papers, etc.). Anything that is not your conversation is an interruption and your behavior is communicating that you are not interested.
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