How to Improve Employee Retention
Everyone is quite aware that employee retention is an issue. Prior to the pandemic, “normal” turnover rates were around 10% annually.
Now? There are some employers who are experiencing 20-30% turnover.
What can be done?
One of the ways to help return your turnover rates to pre-pandemic levels is to look at the management of your organization.
????Are you providing the right benefits?
????Do you have compensation systems in place that actually WORK FOR YOU? Do they ensure compensation equity? Do they attract candidates who fit your organization? Do they help you retain great people? Do they encourage and reward satisfactory and exceptional performance?
????Have you set clear expectations?
????Do you provide mentoring, coaching, and support for your employees?
There are myriad management options available to you as an employer that will help you retain your great employees and slow down your turnover rate.
Guess what? You can also actively LEAD your retention efforts!
First of all, please realize you are not alone.
So, what can you do?
??Create an environment conducive to employee satisfaction!!!!
No, this does not mean coddling and placating, but rather, creating an environment in which employees can flourish.
????Give your employees a voice.
????Engage your employees.
????Get to know them!
????Treat them with respect and dignity.
????Compensate them for the great things they are doing for your organization!
Please don’t sit passively by and let your great employees leave you. Actively lead your retention efforts!
Are you ready to start retaining your great employees? Then contact me at [email protected]!
??You can do this!
??Good luck!
#leadinglikeabuffalo #leadersamplified #dinamico #compensation #retention #leadership