How important is truth to you?
Dawn Bates FRSA
Author Coach for the Brave | Molecule Shaking Speaker | Award Winning Writer | 21 Books | Social Impact Publisher | Drinking Tea Down Rabbit Holes Daily
Looking at this photo brings a mixture of emotions up for me, because what you don't see is the location.
What you see in my youngest son's eyes is tiredness, confusion, worry and courage. What you see in my eldest son's eyes is belief, joy, tiredness and worry.
What you see in my eyes is the joy of a mother fuelled by the love of her two sons by her side, gratitude to have them with me and a heck of a lot of tiredness... all whilst doing my best to mask fear, frustration and a simmering anger at what was about to transpire.
You see this was the day the Sherrif's Court in Oban on the West Coast of Scotland had called my sons as witnesses to use against me, after I had been detained without questionning, without being told what I had been arrested for, and without being charged.
The police cell I had been locked up in for 57.5 hours was no more than 2 lunges by 3 lunges wide, an open toilet with no seat or flush facility, a tiny letterbox size 'window' and a concrete plinth for me to sleep on.
What the courts didn't bank on though was the level of intelligence and articulation of these two incredible young men.
And I say 'young men' with pure confidence, because the life they had led up until this point, was one of adventure, civil unrest during the Egyptian Uprising, private school education, a Mama who taught them how to clean the house and do their own laundry - and of course how to cook their own meals.
Education being one of the fundamental human rights, an inaleinable right as described in Article 26 in the UDHR, was going to be something I made sure my sons got the very best of, something the prosecutor and police officer who arrested me hadn't counted on.
I mean, how could a single mum of two Arabs, (who were 'living in a car' on a family road trip with wild camping, tree climbing, orienteering and kayaking thrown in for good measure) be a good mother?
They were about to find out.
But instead of being impressed with how well spoken and articulated these young men were, and are, the prosecutor and judge made the decision that they had been coached and groomed into saying the things they said.
As my first lawyer, who was quickly fired, stated "Don't mention you spoke Arabic to your children because that will go against you".
Seeing two highly perceptive Arab children, with Arabic names, refuse to swear on the bible, and to then hear them speak so highly of their mother and the life they had, as well as detail our road trip with beautiful eloquence and fondness, was not part of the trumped up case brought against me.
Nor was it acceptable for the ignorance, sexism and racism so deeply ingrained in the Police Officer to start unravelling due to the testimonies of a nine year old and a thirteen year old.
Both testimonies were thrown out of court as inadmissable, and whilst the lies continued to unfold by the three police officers involved, my Mama fire was building.
And not just because they had arrested me, kidnapped me and my boys, detaining me in a police cell and my boys in emergency foster care, which violates Articles 9, 10, 11 and 12, but because they had called my two children liars, again a direct violation of Articles 12 and 19.
No one, and I mean no one messes with the integrity of my children, or my family.
So not only did the Mama fire burn stronger, but so did the feminine fire, the Sagittarian fire and the Scottish fire that travelled through three generations of my DNA.
To the officers, the prosecutors and judges, I was an English woman, who was a traitor by having Arabic children, and a single mum no less who had the courage and the conviction to single handedly take my children on a 7 week road trip around the North of England and Scotland.
I was fair game.
Except I wasn't.
I knew my human rights, I knew the law, and I knew I had done nothing wrong.
I was going to fight because I never EVER wanted to see fear in the eyes of my children ever again.
And I was not going to go to jail for a minimum of nine years for the charges the Scottish Police and so called justice system wanted to bring against me.
Fast forward to 6th December 2017, my 40th birthday, and I am standing in the court room alone, left to fight my final day in court.
With no one to give me a boost of confidence before the trial started but my lawyer, and no one to hold me after the case was done, I stood in the witness box and answered question after question.
Once the questionning was completed, it was time for me to await the verdict.
Would I be going home to my children and fur babies, or would I be put in handcuffs again and transported to a women's prison somewhere in Scotland - 13 hours away from my family.
If I was to be found guilty, there would have been no-one to tell my children or my parents where I was being taken, nor would they know for how long. I was on my own, and these two beautiful humans you see in this photo either side of me were waiting at home to hear the fate of their mother.
Would I be home with them for celebratory pancakes the next night, or would the next time they see me be in a prison?
Standing in the dock after having been called back by the court usher, I heard the words 'not guilty on all charges'. My legs went to jelly and tears fell from my eyes. I was going to go home to hugs and panckaes.
Apparently the judge had been impressed by me and my upstanding character and the fact that I had said:
"I would rather go to prison for telling the truth, than give truth to their lies by lying"
(My lawyer also mentioned that she thought the Judge was probably a little unnerved by the fact that I was a school governor, a police assesor and an international bestselling author of books which exposed government and police corruption).
The trauma this put my family through, the worry, the fear and the negative impact it all had didn't break us, it made us stronger; and it gave my boys a first hand experience of the racism, sexism and corruption within the police forces of the UK and the legal system.
"Well Mummy, it seems the police here in the UK are as corrupt as the ones in Egypt" was the statement which came out of my youngest son's mouth when we were cuddled together on the sofa shortly after my return to our family home.
"Yes, Baaba, but just remember it is not every police officer, and not every lawyer or judge. We still have to take each and every single one on their own merit".
"Well I don't trust the police anymore".
And so the damage had been done.
The damage was further ingrained into my children when neither a law firm in England would take on my case for damages because the case had happened in Scotland, and no law firm would touch the case in Scotland because of a conflict of interest.
Police Scotland was a client of every single law firm in Scotland and so getting a law firm to help me was not going to happen.
Then I asked for a formal investigation into what happened. Again, every door shut with at best very vague answers as to why each firm would not take my case. Friends at the BBC were keen to take on the story... until they started asking questions, and then they backed away.
One of my reporter friends told me "Be very careful with your case Dawn. This has made people very uncomfortabe".
I wanted to know why, and I still do want to know why.
There is a cover up of something somewhere, just like we see happening in many areas of policing, governance and reporting today.
This story above may be mine, one you can read about in full by purchasing Crossing The Line, but when we look at the cover ups, the legal manipulations of truth and the way the reporters backed away, we see so many similarities with many other stories.
Such as why do we not know of the real reasons so many doctors and scientists are being silenced, struck off their practices and jobs, as well as disappearing and suddenly dying after exposing things the government and BIG PHARMA do not want in the public eye?
What about the ethnic cleansing going on at the moment, the K0 v1D concentration camps being built all over the world, and people being imprisoned in Darwin, Australia?
Why is it that on the 13th December, the UK Parliament are rumoured to be voting to take away our right to protest?
And that the Head of the EU Commission, Ursula Van Der Leyen, told the press on Wednesday that she is in favour of scrapping the Nuremburg Code?
I was disappointed when the UK left Europe, but what I am seeing unfold around the world makes me glad the UK did leave the EU.
And here's the thing about this whole global situation, I am still prepared to stand by my right to informed consent, my right to choose what goes into my own body, and my right to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and my right to educate myself, my children and others.
Over the last 2 and a half years my contact with my children in person has been limited to video calls and messages, apart from 6 weeks when my youngest son flew to meet me in Brasil.
I haven't hugged my eldest son in almost three years due to this international genocide which is taking place; and the three of us are agreed that even if it means we never see each other again in person, we will stand by our right to informed consent and peaceful protest, as described in Articles 20 and 21 of the UDHR.
With the number of people waking up to what is truly going on in the world, and the victories of lawyers, scientists and doctors such as Dr Sam White in the UK, a doctor who won his case in the high court last week against the General Medical Council, who violated his human rights to speak out and honour his hippocratic oath, my sons and I remain hopeful that it won't be long before we see each other again.
Our faith in one lawyer and one judge prevailed, and we were reunited once before, and I am certain that we will be together again soon.
What some of us are seeing around the world is not only a violation of so many of our human rights, but also an example of how corruption and fear is so deeply ingrained within our societies that the morals and ethics of the politicians, the police, the legal system, doctors, nurses and our family and friends has been removed from their entire being.
The number of individuals injected with a substance that is not only proving immediately lethal in many cases, but is also slowly but surely killing others around the world has gone from needing a bribe of a Dunkin Donut, to withdrawal of food, fuel and freedom - a direct violation of Article 25 in the UDHR.
In Articles 27 and 28 of UDHR it clearly states:
Article 27
Article 28
Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized.
So why then, as global citizens are we not only having our human rights violated by the governments around the world, our freedom of speech silenced and removed, our right to gather and protest and be part of the governance and running of our countries, but also having the advanced scientific knowledge and its benefits - and dangers - hidden from us all?
As a collective we need to be asking smarter, deeper questions such as "Why are we not taking civil action against those who are committing terrorism* on their own nation states and civilians, which is sweeping the global population in waves?"
"Where are the CEOs of large corporations with the backbones needed to stand against the violations of Article 23?"
Are the people so traumatised by the situation unfolding they will do anything to defend the governments aka their abuser (a case of Stockholm Sydrome if ever there was one) or are people so limited in their education and courage that they are willing to forgoe everything for themselves and humanity?
I for one and not going to be terrorised into taking any kind of action that violates my humman rights, or those of another; and I am not prepared to stay quiet either; because as George Washington said:
"If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we will be led, like sheep to the slaughter".
*Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
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Research Assistant
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Author Coach for the Brave | Molecule Shaking Speaker | Award Winning Writer | 21 Books | Social Impact Publisher | Drinking Tea Down Rabbit Holes Daily
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Supporting spirited female changemakers and leaders to put the well back into their being so they can lead with love, vitality and health. Trauma informed empowerment coaching, burnout recovery, spiritual mentoring.
3 年This is so powerful Dawn Bates Writer, Author Strategist and Publisher, thank you for sharing your story and standing by your truth. We are at such a pivotal moment in history and I am proud to stand up for the freedom of one and all. So many seem unaware of all that is being removed that those of us who see this must keep speaking up from a place of love for all humanity ... which is not always comfortable or easy!