How important is a thorough induction process??

How important is a thorough induction process??

The short answer is imperative. Many organisations already have in place a thorough induction plan, which will gently integrate their new employees into their new company and role. Depending on the size of business, structure or available personnel, this could be carried out for example by Human Resources, Talent Acquisition or the immediate Line Managers. The time for this embedding period will vary however, the fact that this is taking place, reinforces the candidates decision that they have made the right choice in joining a business that values them from the outset and ensures that the transition into their new company and role is as seamless as possible

Why wouldn't a business conduct a thorough induction? This may not be intentional as there are a number of factors that can dictate the availability of key personnel to deliver the on-boarding process. Examples of this can be that the individual recruiting is already stretched (hence the recruitment), therefore, when they have successfully recruited a candidate, there just isn't the time for the hiring manager to spend away from their daily duties, as they are too busy. Another is timing, the key people who deliver the induction process could be on holiday or otherwise engaged or ill. Another reason is that the company just doesn't operate that way (they never have) and they chose a particular candidate as they didn't think they would need the support.

What is the candidate's perspective? I have recruited at the Qualified level now for over 15 years and the first 3 months of a new role is always the most important as it determines whether;

A) The client is happy and will sign off their probation.

B) The candidate has made the right choice and is happy with their new role

In this current market, the candidate has endured several interviews, multiple processes with various opportunities, possibly had a decision to make with a number of offers however, has decided to take your job opportunity as they felt it was the best move for them.

To not make time for your new addition is going to be detrimental to your chances of keeping them. Candidates will know within the first couple of months if they have made the right move and a thorough induction plan is imperative to keeping them engaged. I appreciate that we are all busy and have our day jobs, as well as trying to bring somebody new up to speed (i've been there) however, take a moment to think about the candidate that has chosen you, over other potential employers. At the Qualified level, where I operate, to sit a qualified accountant down with a handbook or to leave them for long periods doing very little or a task they were not brought in to do, could be costly.

How do we avoid the risk of having to go through another recruitment process ? The answer is to simply make sure you have a plan in place before you go out to market. Only start a recruitment process when you are 100% committed to the vacancy. Ensure that you or whoever is responsible for the induction has set time aside to spend time with the candidates. Follow through with what you promised the candidate at interview stage, to over promise and under deliver from the outset will result in a lack of trust immediately. Make sure that your existing team are fully aware of the remit and level that your new employer will be coming in at. Any discrepancies or confusion at this stage can cause unrest or an uncomfortable introduction if not circulated properly.

What is my summary? As you are all aware, recruitment is tough at the moment, multiple opportunities, lack of candidates, counter offers and so on. Recruitment processes can become lengthy, repetitive and arduous therefore, when you successfully get somebody to agree to join your business, make sure you reduce the risk of them leaving and you having to go through it all again.

As mentioned earlier, a large number of clients are doing this already and it is difficult to articulate something like this without it coming across as slightly patronising, however, this is not my intention and hopefully people can take at least something away from this post.

Keith Southern

Helping the future of recruitment and the provision of Mental Health & Well-Being support to the industry.

3 天前

Commenting to promote your footprint and helping to share my network ??

Michael McCoy

Director at M & M WINDOWS (N.W) LTD.

2 年

Yes, great post Dave.

Helen Berry

HR Recruiter | Passionate about HR recruitment and finding the best talent for my clients | Advocate for wellbeing & self care ?? | Specialist in all things HR recruitment |

2 年

Can't stress this enough! Great post!


