Barbara Taylor
Health Coach | Business Mentor | Online Wellness Coach | Retired Foreign Military Sales | Holistic Health Advocate
I recently did a poll on the cost of supplements you take. Dosing of vitamin supplements has been controversial for many years. Nutritional supplements are taken by over half of the adults in the United States. Here's some interesting information I found.
Vitamins are not native to our bodies. While they are essential to our bodies, our body can't synthesize them either at all or in sufficient quantity to make a difference. So, therefore, it's best that we get them through food sources or dietary supplements.
Antioxidants are 2 varieties: endogenous and exogenous: meaning those made from within and those created outside our bodies. These are available in plants and used to defend themselves from environmental conditions (pests, disease) in which they grow. When mammals consume these, they consume phytochemicals that become part of the downstream food chain and also benefit us in the same manner when we consume them. This also protects us from oxidative stress.
There has been so much manipulation of lotions, potions, creams, elixirs, herbs, pills, teas and an overwhelming amount of food and soil science with the intent of hopefully delivering more vitamins and antioxidants to support our bodies.
Taking supplements has been controversial for many years. We have seen science set the standard for minimum recommended daily allowance (RDA). which are recommended and known to prevent disease due to deficiency.
While most diets tend to be better than the Standard American Diet (SAD), the guidelines still fail to account for the core principles of redox cellular health.
As we continue to witness, the declining quality of farm soils, poorer nutrient quality of food, increased GMO foods, the increased factory processing and additive that try to increase the missing nutritional quality and increase shelf-life, the total effect removes us from the role nature originally intended for our well-being.
In addition to the declining health of the population, which affects food absorption and the bioavailability of nutrients to other problems such as gut dysbiosis, systemic inflammation and mitochondrial health, to name a few.
The RDA claim that supplementation beyond a good diet is an unnecessary addition and only creates "expensive urine."
While we all think supplements are necessary, they really aren't if we are providing sufficient nutrients through our food.
Consuming massive quantities of vitamins through 'mega dosing" suggests that we may overcorrect oxidation levels and reduce redox signaling molecules to the point they less adequately activate pathway genes, which leave the cells less capable to respond to its natural intracellular antioxidant production.
It is also important to note that as cells begin to heal naturally, function improves, there is less inflammation, less discomfort, improve blood sugar, improved hormone balance and better cardiovascular health. As this occurs, you will want to ask about making adjustments to certain medications, appropriately. It's such a wonderful thought that this can occur through a natural positive result of awakening our Inner Self and Doctor within.
As an improvement of cellular function and gut health, we have noticed that cells naturally correct, detoxify, and heal, their need for outside intervention decreases. There is caution that should be noted for the possible declining need for pharmacological medicines, which needs to be discussed with your doctor.
It is true for the use of vitamins, as well as herbal remedies. As the cell increases its function, there will be increased activation of and use of the other now more bio-available nutrients and supplements that may need to be adjusted.