How Important Squeeze Pages Are And What They Do?
Now you know how important squeeze pages are and what they do, you must also know that squeeze pages are just ONE piece of the marketing puzzle.
It’s just the first step that starts the whole marketing and selling process or “sales funnel” – that being, turning your website visitor into a loyal subscriber and then quickly into a customer. Subscribers are great and we all want more, but subscribers don’t make you money, customers do.
Squeeze pages are just used to build your leads so you can start them down the sales funnel and turn your leads into customers. To make profits from your subscribers, you need to have a backend sales plan in place. We’ll talk about that more later on but now, let’s talk about what a good squeeze page is made up of.
If you’ve been around internet marketing for a little while, you have probably noticed how most squeeze pages consist of the same basic design and features. These parts are as follows:
1. A headline that grabs your visitors’ attention and outlines the benefits of your free offer.
2. A call to action that tells the visitor what to do to get your offer.
3. An opt-in form where your visitor can enter their name and email.
4. And not much else.
These days, long winded squeeze pages are losing effectiveness.You can add a brief or description, bullet points, an image of the free product, and/or a picture of you, the website owner if you want.
But keep in mind that less is usually more. Your free offer should be inviting and build curiosity enough that it doesn’t need a long description. However, it depends on your offer because every market and audience is different. I have found the best performing squeeze pages are the ones where I can fit everything on the one screen.
Determining which squeeze page model will work best for you can simply only be done through testing. You might want to test lengths of your body. Test headlines. Test placement of your opt-in form. Test with and without bullet points. There are a number of different things to test to optimize conversions for your squeeze page.
The number one thing that you must keep in mind though if you absolutely want to succeed with list building via Squeeze Pages is that it must be clear what you want your visitor to do – and that’s submit their name and email.
The Basic Squeeze Page “Opt-in” Process
Your Offer
This is essentially what your success will depend on. The better your ‘bait’ to get the subscriber to opt-in, the higher the conversion rate will be.Think about your offer before you just throw any old squeeze page up. It has to be of value, because no one likes crap, even if it is free. Think along the lines of free reports, free email newsletter, 7 day email course, free video, free software etc. The more perceived value it has the better.
Initial Optin
A squeeze page without an optin form is not a squeeze page. If you’re a beginner, you’ve probably seen them but you might not know how or where to get one for yourself to use on your squeeze pages. The whole “name and email capturing” is done with a system called an autoresponder. I use Aweber to manage my lists. It’s all web based so there is nothing to install.You can sign up for a free 30 day trial with Aweber and they will show you how to create lists and how to get the optin forms to put in your squeeze pages.
After They Opt-in
Once they subscribe via your squeeze page, you should set up your Squeeze Page system so that you re-direct them to a ‘thank you’ page (more about how to do this later), which opens up means through which you can offer them something and take them down the next level of your sales funnel.
The ’thank you’ page is where you deliver the free download – but one effective way to make profits quickly is to have a special One time offer before they get to see the download link or go to the download page.
Make sure your one time offer is related to the free offer you give away and it must be unique. It can be something you sell elsewhere but for this special one time offer (or OTO as commonly known) it has to be sold at a special lower than normal price or offer bonuses with it that you wouldn’t usually offer.
The easiest way to set up a one time offer is to use the free service at OTO Goldmine. That service is awesome because you don’t need to spend time setting up your own oto, they have many already made for you to use.I recommend using an OTO whenever possible because the fact is, they convert well and let you cash up quickly from your list building efforts.
Not all people will take up your oto, but there is another way to help them move down the sales funnel and put money in your pocket.On the thank you/download page, for both those who take and decline your oto, include related advertisements for affiliate products or for your own products. This can end up in some nice commissions just for referring them to another site. And once you have their details, it’s ok to send them to other websites…just don’t do it before you capture their details.
Now they are on your list!
Once they are on your list, you want to try to move them further down the sales funnel.In order for them to buy, you need to develop trust with them. You do this by sending them more good info and/or more free products.
If you’re building a list by 50 to 100 new subscribers everyday it would be extremely difficult to follow up with them all if you were to do it manually. That’s where an autoresonder system is your best secret weapon when it comes to following up with your subscribers automatically.You can program in a series of follow up emails in your AR (autoresponder) to go out at timed intervals after they sign up. But not only that, an AR will let you send a mass broadcast out to ALL of your subscribers at once, any time you want.