Navaneethan B
Served 2000+ clients with 18+ years of experience in management systems (ISO, Automotive & Aerospace) implementation, training and consultancy
Small things makes big impact in this world. Simple ideas can save lot of time, effort and cost. Likewise, Small companies plays important roles for bigger companies in manufacturing or supplying or servicing. There are many opportunities for small and medium scale companies in marketing world, it is just matter of grabbing them quickly.
To earn business from the big companies, What matters the most is, how we present ourselves in front of them.
In Mind: Are we good enough to satisfy their requirement?
Ans: Yes
In Mind: Do we have words to pitch about our business on their ground?
Ans: Yes
In Mind: Do we have data to show them how good we are?
Ans: Yes
But most importantly, from the Big companies point of view, they ask, are you maintaining international quality standard and how do i trust you that you do?
This is where the ISO certification comes in for the rescue.
ISO has every thing to run a business. It is a globally recognized standard and It is very easy to maintain if we adheres to it.
It helps to,
Meet Customer Expectations:
Regardless of what industry you’re involved in, your customers aren’t going to choose you solely based on price, but often on quality. In fact, studies have shown that customers will pay more for a product or service that they think is made well or exceeds the standard. Your customers expect you to deliver quality products.
Establish our Reputation:
Quality reflects on your company’s reputation. The growing importance of social media means that customers and prospects can easily share both favorable opinions and criticism of your product quality on forums, product review sites and social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. A strong reputation for quality can be an important differentiator in markets that are very competitive. Poor quality or product failure that results in a product recall campaign can lead to negative publicity and damage your reputation.
If your business consistently delivers what it promises, your customers are much more likely to sing your praises on social media platforms. This not only helps drive your brand awareness, but it also creates the much-desired FOMO effect, which stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” Social-media users that see your company’s strong reputation will want to become part of the product or service you’re offering, which can boost your sales.
Meet or Exceed Industry Standards:
Adherence to a recognized quality standard may be essential for dealing with certain customers or complying with legislation. Public-sector companies, for example, may insist that their suppliers achieve accreditation with quality standards. If you sell products in regulated markets, such as health care, food or electrical goods, you must be able to comply with health and safety standards designed to protect consumers.
Accredited quality control systems play a crucial role in complying with those standards. Accreditation can also help you win new customers or enter new markets by giving prospects independent confirmation of your company’s ability to supply quality products.
Manage Costs Effectively:
Poor quality increases costs. If you do not have an effective quality-control system in place, you may incur the cost of analyzing nonconforming goods or services to determine the root causes and retesting products after reworking them.
In some cases, you may have to scrap defective products and pay additional production costs to replace them. If defective products reach customers, you will have to pay for returns and replacements and, in serious cases, you could incur legal costs for failure to comply with customer or industry standards.