How Important are Goals in Your Life Outcomes?
Erwin Jack
Project Finance Readiness Consulting for Prime Projects | $100M to $5B+ | Multi-Use Real Estate, Oil and Gas, Infrastructure, and More
Defining Your Course to Success (Goals #1)
Setting specific goals with dates is one of the most powerful things you will ever do.
If you have never understood the POWER of establishing effective goals, please take some time to review and apply this goal setting series.
In any successful endeavors in life, without quantifying goals in written format, holding yourself accountable, and continually checking your progress while making the necessary changes to become more effective, you will not attain what you are capable of in life.
To make it easy just copy the listed goals below to a document and replace the CAPITAL LETTER text with your own information. Once completed, print your goals out and place them in a place you will see these goals and objectives every day.
Note: These are only a few examples of written goals. We would recommend you take some time and develop a thorough written goal outline.
Goal #1:
I, YOURNAME, will dedicate X hours per week, for the next twelve months, to building my business and will be committed to my success and the success of my team.
Goal #2:
I, YOURNAME, am committed to earning $$$$, $$ per week by DATE (3 months from today’s date).
I, YOURNAME am committed to earning $$$$, $$ per week by DATE (6 months from today’s date).
I, YOURNAME am committed to earning $$$$, $$ per week by DATE (9 months from today’s date).
Goal #3:
I, YOURNAME, will continually learn more about my business and industry by participating in ______________, reading _____________, attending classes at _____________, and ____________ over the next twelve months.
Following is an example of what your goals should like when you are completed:
Goal #1
I, ______, will dedicate 60 hours per week, for the next twelve months, to building my business and will be committed to my success and the success of my team members.
Goal #2
I, ______, am committed to earning $1500.00 per week by (3 months from today).
I, ______, am committed to earning $2500.00 per week by (6 months from today).
I, ______, am committed to earning $5000.00 per week by (9 months from today).
Special note: Studies have shown that reviewing your goals often, preferably daily, will increase their effectiveness.
Once you have done the above you will have started “defining your course to success!”
Why Set Goals (Goals #2)
Goal setting is a very powerful technique that can yield strong returns in all areas of your life.
At its simplest level the process of setting goals and targets allows you to choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know what you must concentrate on and improve, and knowing what a distraction is merely. Goal setting gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledge and helps you to organize your resources.
By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. You can see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind.
By setting goals you can:
? Achieve more.
? Improve performance.
? Increase your motivation to achieve.
? Increase your pride and satisfaction in your achievements.
? Improve your self-confidence.
? Plan to eliminate attitudes that hold you back and cause unhappiness.
Research has shown that people who use goal setting effectively:
? Suffer less from stress and anxiety.
? Concentrate better.
? Show more self-confidence.
? Perform better.
? Are happier and more satisfied.
Goal Setting Helps Self-Confidence
As you set goals and measure your achievement, you can see what you accomplished and what you are capable of. The process of achieving goals and seeing their achievement gives you the confidence and self-belief that you need that you will be able to achieve higher and more difficult goals.
How to Set Goals Effectively (Goals #3)
It is very important that you understand that the way in which you set goals strongly affects your effectiveness. The following guidelines apply to setting effective goals:
Positive Statement
Express your goals positively: 'Execute this technique well' is a much better goal than 'don't make this stupid mistake'.
Be Precise
If you set a precise goal, putting in dates, times and amounts so that achievement can be measured, then you know the exact goal to be achieved, and can take complete satisfaction from having completely achieved it.
Set Priorities
Where you have several goals, give each a priority. This helps you avoid feeling overwhelmed by too many goals and helps direct your attention to the most important ones.
Write goals down to avoid confusion and give them more force
Keep Operational Goals Small: Keep the goals you are working towards immediately (i.e. in this session) small and achievable. If a goal is too large, then it can seem that you are not making progress towards it. Keeping goals small and incremental gives more opportunities for reward. Today's goals should be derived from larger goals.
Set Performance, not Outcome Goals
This is very important. You should take care to set goals over which you have as much control as possible - there is nothing as dispiriting as failing to achieve a personal goal for reasons beyond your control such as bad business environments, poor judging, bad weather, injury, or just plain bad luck. Goals based on outcomes are extremely vulnerable to failure because of things beyond your control.
If you base your goals on personal performance or skills or knowledge to be acquired, then you can keep control over the achievement of your goals and draw satisfaction from them. For example, you might achieve a personal best time in a race, but still be disqualified because of a poor-judging decision. If you had set an outcome goal of being in the top three, then this will be a defeat. If you set a performance goal of achieving a time, then you will have achieved the goal and can draw satisfaction and self-confidence from its achievement.
Another flaw is where outcome goals are based on the rewards of achieving something, whether these are financial or are based on the recognition of colleagues. In early stages these will be highly motivating factors; however, as they are achieved, the benefits of further achievement at the same level reduce. You will become progressively less motivated.
Set Specific Goals
Set specific measurable goals. If you achieve all conditions of a measurable goal, then you can be confident and comfortable in its achievement. If you consistently fail to meet a measurable goal, then you can adjust it or analyze the reason for failure and take appropriate action to improve skills.
Set Realistic Goals
Never set goals that are not attainable as setting goals too far out or too challenging can become discouraging. Here are come common reasons why people set goals unrealistically high:
? Other people: Other people (parents, media, and society) can set unrealistic goals for you, based on what they want. Often this will be done in ignorance of your goals, desires and ambitions.
? Insufficient information: If you do not have a clear, realistic understanding of what you are trying to achieve and of the skills and knowledge to be mastered, it is difficult to set effective and realistic goals.
? Always expecting your best performance: Many people base their goals on their best performance, however long ago that was. This ignores the inevitable backsliding that can occur for good reasons and ignores the factors that led to that best performance. It is better to set goals that raise your average performance and make it more consistent.
? Lack of respect for yourself: If you do not respect your right to rest, relax and have pleasure in life then you risk suffering burnout. No matter how large your business is you always have the right to rest and enjoy what you have accomplished.
Setting Goals Too Low
Alternatively, goals can be set too low which can keep you from growing and achieving true personal satisfaction. Following are some common reasons why people set goals to low:
? Fear of failure: If you are frightened of failure you will not take the risks needed for optimum performance. As you apply goal setting and see the achievement of goals, your self- confidence should increase, helping you to take bigger risks. Know that failure is a positive thing: it shows you areas where you can improve your skills and performance.
? Taking it too easy: It is easy to take the reasons for not setting goals unrealistically high as an excuse to set them too low. If you're not prepared to stretch yourself and work hard, then you are extremely unlikely to achieve anything of any real worth.
Setting Goals at the Right Level
Setting goals at the correct level are a skill that is acquired by practice. You should set goals so that they are slightly out of your immediate grasp, but not so far that there is no hope of achieving them: no one will put serious effort into achieving a goal that they believe is unrealistic. However, remember that the belief that a goal is unrealistic may be incorrect. Such a belief can be changed by effective use of imagery.
Personal factors such as tiredness, other commitments and the need for rest, etc. should be considered when goals are set.
Now review the goals you have set, and then measure them against the points above. Adjust them to meet the recommendations and then review them. You should now be able to see the importance of setting goals effectively.
Think Through Goals
When you are thinking about how to achieve goals, asking the following questions can help you to focus on the sub-goals that lead to their achievement:
? What skills do I need to achieve this?
? What information and knowledge do I need?
? What help, assistance, or collaboration do I need?
? What resources do I need?
? What can block progress?
? Am I making any assumptions?
? Is there a better way of doing things?
Applying the above section will truly help you set EFFECTIVE goals changing your life and those around you!
Decide Your Goals (Goals #4)
How do you decide your goals?
Determining what your goals are and where to establish them can be very challenging. Below you will see some suggested areas to be used to set goals.
Your Lifetime Goals
The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve in your lifetime - setting Lifetime goals gives you the overall perspective that shapes all other aspects of your decision making.
To give a broad coverage of every important area in your life, set goals in all the areas listed below. Why? What you do personally affects your business and what you do in your business affects you personally.
Your Life Goal Categories:
Do you want to achieve any artistic goals? If so, what?
Is any part of your mind-set holding you back? Is there any part of the way that you behave that upsets you? If so, set goals to improve or cure the problem, even if the goal is only to get help.
Is there any knowledge you want to acquire? What information and skills will you need to achieve other goals?
Do you want to be a parent? If so, how are you going to be a good parent? How do you want to be seen by a partner or by members of your extended family?
How much do you want to earn by what stage?
Are there any athletic goals you want to achieve, or do you want good health deep into old age? What steps are you going to take to achieve this?
How do you want to enjoy yourself? - You should ensure that some of your life is for you!
Public Service
Do you want to make the world a better place by your existence? If so, how?
Do you have any social ambitions?
Do you have goals specific to your faith and belief?
Once you have decided the areas you wish to establish your goals and apply the principles you learned in “How to set goals effectively”, watch them come true.
Powerful Attitudes Are the Key to Reaching Your Goals (Goals #5)
Establishing realistic goals is the first step. The next is having an attitude that will drive you forward to materialize your goals. Below you will find six foundational attitudes and habits that will help you in seeing your business goals happen.
#1: You need to have a positive belief about your business and this industry.
With a belief in what you are doing (your business), your chance for success will be even greater. This belief is what spurs passion, enthusiasm, and excitement about the possibilities your business can bring you over time. This belief will help you stay focused as you are working daily to accomplish your goals.
It’s true. In fact, 90% of your success in life is belief and enthusiasm. Even for those who do not know much about their industry, you will notice that many have success, because they have this belief in what they are doing within their business.
From this belief in what you are doing, many things will change. An example of this would be, “I am not selling. I am offering you a gift of incredible value – a solution to your challenge.”
#2: You must have a great attitude about your company!
Your belief must be constant about your company. Without this, people will see right through it. See your company with integrity, having a mission for being in business, one with a passion for its representatives and employees and for their customers. Hold its management in high esteem. Be a believer in your company. Never talk bad about other companies, people, and organizations.
#3: Believe in your product and/or services.
What drives business the best and most is word of mouth. This is the most powerful marketing in the world. If you do not love your products and/or services, you will not be able to expect anyone else to care about them.
#4: You must have an attitude of “I will succeed”.
Ask yourself, “What will it take to succeed? Am I willing to do what it takes?” If your answer is not a resounding YES, then the first obstacle that comes your way will likely be your reason to quit.
#5: You must be willing to serve others.
For you to succeed, you must help others succeed. Each person will need something different from you – some will need to know you are there, some will need help with calling, some will need help with becoming more of a leader, some will need help with being accountable in their weekly activities, some will need help in other areas…. TEAM is what it is all about – Together Everyone Achieves More.
#6: You must be honest.
This is true about people and about you. If you cannot be honest with yourself, you will not be able to truly accomplish your goals (dreams).
Goals Outlined Equal Success (Goals #6)
Find the right goals
“People are not lazy,” says personal development author Anthony Robbins. “They simply have impotent goals – that is, goals that do not inspire them.”
Many people have different goals. You may be dealing with a person whose goals in life are different from yours. It may not be laziness in a person, but a person who has not yet seized upon a sufficiently compelling reason to offer their total commitment.
Keep this in mind as you are working with people, getting to know team players and supporting your team. Get to know each person and their goals, so that can encourage them on.
Use Goals to Help You Grow
A goal is an objective, a purpose. A goal is more than a dream; it’s a dream being acted upon. A goal is more than a hazy, “Oh I wish I could.” A goal is a clear “This is what I am working toward everyday.”
Nothing happens; no forward steps are taken until a goal is established. Without goals individuals just wander through life - They stumble along, never knowing where they are going, so they never get anywhere.
Goals are essential to success as air is to life. No one ever stumbles into success without a goal. No one ever lives without air. Get a clear idea and route where you want to go.
Without goals, we cannot grow. The modern corporation does not leave its future to chance, should you?
Before You Start
Start your day, start your week, start your month, start your year, start your life, know where you want to go!
Two steps that will help you have a clear path:
#1: Demand precise answers to these questions – what does it take to satisfy me? What do I want to accomplish in my life? What do I want to be?
#2: Visualize yourself in work – visualize yourself in home – visualize yourself in social.
Desire Harnessed is Power
Failure to follow desire, to do what you want to do most, paves the way to mediocrity.
Success requires heart and soul effort and you can only put your heart and soul into something you really desire.
When you surrender yourself to your desires, when you let yourself become obsessed with a goal, you receive the physical power, energy, and enthusiasm needed to accomplish your goal. Deeply entrenched goals keep you on course to reach your target. When you surrender to your goal, the goal works itself into your subconscious mind. This subconscious goal constantly speaks to you the image you want.
Surrender to Your Goals
Let it obsess you and give you the automatic direction needed to accomplish what you want.
As you press forward to success, set goals: deadlines, target dates, and self-imposed quotas. You will accomplish only what you plan to accomplish.
Progress is Made One Step at a Time
The step-by-step method is the only intelligent way to attain any objective.
Sometimes it appears that someone achieves success all at once. But if you check the past histories of people who seemed to arrive at the top suddenly, you will discover a lot of solid groundwork was previously laid. And those successful people who lose fame as fast as they found it simply were phonies who had not built a solid foundation.
Evaluate everything you do everyday – ask the question “Will this help take me where I want to go?
How Can We Serve You Today?
?Above the Standard
"Increase Profits, Reduce Cost"
Erwin Jack | [email protected] |
About Above the Standard
Above the Standard has global experience empowering and changing the lives for many executives, leaders, and organizations in more than 100 nations, having increased profits in the tens of billions of dollars, with sustainable outcomes.
Above the Standard is a dedicated and highly motivated leader and executive with more than 30 years global Business, Training, Strategic, Procurement, Finance, and Leadership experience in many different industries, from small to Fortune MNC’s.