How important is EQ IQ in HR - Reasons & Survey

How important is EQ IQ in HR - Reasons & Survey

The question, “What do you want your career to be tomorrow?” is something HR pros ask each other every day. Asking yourself that question can be deceptively challenging. There are, of course, a variety of different career options available—the majority of which will require a degree and significant amount of relevant work experience.

But what if you don’t have a clue where your future career path should take you? HR professionals provide a range of services to their organization, but how much do they really care about what they do? Are they being compensated fairly? Do they have the resources they need to grow and succeed in their roles? Are their colleagues treating them with respect and equality?

EI is described as the perception, evaluation, and management of emotions in yourself and others. It is a concept that tries to connect both emotion and cognition and metacognitive processes.

Research shows that emotions, properly managed, can lead to trust, faith and commitment. Productivity, innovations, success as individuals, groups or organizations can take place in such a context where EI plays a crucial role

EQ score is one possible method for gauging one’s level of engagement within an organization. By taking the EQ IQ test in HR, you can learn more about yourself and see where you stand compared to your peers. But are there better ways to find out about your current opportunities and potential growth potential?

Here are some helpful tips on how to take the EQ IQ test in HR .

What is the EQ IQ test in HR?

The Eaton’s Quality Index (EQ IQ) is a common tool used by businesses to measure levels of engagement and well-being within their organization. The EQ test is based on the concept of “emotional quotient,” which is the equivalent of the “EQ” score in the job market.

The concept of the EQ IQ test is simple. You take the test and indicate how much interest, engagement, and enthusiasm you have for various career paths and/or specific departments. The scores are meant to provide an overall picture of how engaged and happy you are in your current role.

Take the Test

The EQ IQ test is essentially a personality test disguised as a job assessment. The test measures your “emotional quotient,” which is the balance between your conscious and subconscious minds.

Because your “EQ” is the sum of both your conscious and unconscious attitudes, behaviors, and thoughts, a high EQ score can indicate a strong desire to do the work and be with a team that provides meaningful work.

The test also has eight different sections, so there’s plenty of room for you to provide detailed feedback. Because there are so many possible reactions to a range of situations, the test measures your emotional intelligence in a highly individualistic way.

What does an EQ score in HR mean?

The EQ score is a helpful but not conclusive indicator of where you might excel in your career. It only tells you that you have the potential to reach a higher level of performance. But it doesn’t tell you where to focus your efforts.

?If your highest score is on the top end of the spectrum and you are interested in managing a team, for example, then it stands to reason that you would do well in that capacity.

However, if you are more interested in building a career at the lower end of the scale, then you would do well to take the opportunity to speak with your manager and discuss your interests and desires.

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Theoretical considerations when taking the EQ test

As you take the test, you will be presented with a series of read-only questions. The interviewer will write down how you respond to the questions and then take your score into consideration.

For example, if you score very high on the “How do you spend your day?” section, it may be a sign that you enjoy delegating tasks and taking charge of daily operations.

Tips for accurately interpreting your results

If you are feeling cautious since you are not aware of your exact strengths and weaknesses, here are a few tips to help you get a better score:

·??????Identify what types of questions you are comfortable answering and write them down before the test.

·??????Become familiar with the read-only questions on the test and think through what they mean.

·??????Pay particular attention to the question about how you spend your day.

·??????Ask yourself these questions as you take the test: Who, what, and how do I spend my day?

·??????Take the test again from a different angle if you need to.

·??????Read up on the theory of the test to get a better understanding of how it is scored.

·??????Ask your manager and HR colleagues for feedback on your score.

·??????Consider taking the test again a year later to see how you compare then to now.

·??????And last but not least, don’t forget to smile and try your best to appear as if you enjoy your work!

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The EQ IQ test is a popular method for measuring one’s emotional intelligence, or “EQ.” The test measures your level of engagement and excitement towards various career paths and specific departments within an organization.

While the test is helpful in determining where you might excel in your job, it is not a perfect indicator. Always make sure to talk with your manager and HR colleagues to get their honest feedback on your score.

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Research papers:

Paper 1.

?The study/survey where determinants of ET were given weightage (see table below)

by Desti Kannaiah, R. Shanthi confirms that both emotional intelligence and work

life balance together create organizational success and develop competitive advantage

for organizations.

Understanding the potential and the talent that the employees and ensure the

difference that employees bring to the work place and value them to make it a part of

the organizational success. The work place should be better so that the employees can

have a better team work, find solutions for problem, enhanced job responsibility, group

mission, challenges, routine work, self confidence among workers.

Emotional intelligence will bring in better adaptability, empathy towards employee,

leadership qualities, group rapport, participative management, decision making, and

understanding among colleagues.

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Paper 2:

Authors Athanasios Drigas,Chara Papouts proposed two areas where they cites

different authors on EI:

1.????The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Leadership Effectiveness:

Daniel Goleman (2003) identified five elements that a leader must have to be effective

?and successful: 1) self-awareness, 2) self-regulation, 3) motivation, 4) empathy, 5) social skill. Goleman (1998) pointed out that leaders with EI are better at managing relationships and succeed in effective performance by the power of emotions.


People (leaders) who manage emotionally - who know and control their feelings and

distinguish and effectively treat the feelings of others - are beneficial in every area of

life, whether they are emotional and familiar, or adhere to unwritten rules governing

success in organizational policy.

2.????The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Team Effectiveness

Effective Teams, aside from technical skills, must have emotional skills too. High EI teams are more creative, more cooperative, more effective, help each other, can differentiate their work in order to improve the outcomes of the team and the organization as a whole, can face difficulties or conflicts more constructively if they occur, think from different perspectives, and they can accept the diversity of people. Teams with high emotional intelligence skillfully manage and get the most from the personalities within the team, pay attention to both work and feelings, and regulate emotions in the team among the other members. EI in a team helps build trust, respect and understanding among members which may lead to better participation and collaboration, which in turn will produce better decision making, productivity, creative solutions, and an overall flourishing working



With reference to Athanasios Drigas, Chara Papouts in their paper?‘Emotional

Intelligence as an Important Asset for HR in Organizations: Leaders and Employees’ , , Considering the positive effects of emotional

intelligence in the areas mentioned above , it is concluded that when leaders and

employees have emotional intelligence that can contribute to the efficiency and

effectiveness of themselves, and as a whole team it can therefore contribute to the

efficiency and effectiveness of the entire corporation (Figure 1).

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Paper 3.

Deybbi Cuéllar-Molina, Antonia Mercedes García-Cabrera, Ma de la Cruz Déniz-Déniz

in their paper 'Emotional intelligence of the HR decision-maker and high-performance

HR practices in SMEs' published in European Journal of Management and Business

Economics. The authors states following:

The EI of the ?persons (owners or managers) in charge of making decisions in the firm

will condition the importance attached to the adoption and ulterior implementation of

high-performance HR practices in SMEs.

Thus, SMEs will be heterogeneous in their approach to HRM, as well as in the efforts

they make to implement high-performance HR practices. However, if we consider the

managers’ EI not as a whole, but rather as their different emotional competencies, we

can obtain some additional conclusions, as we present below.

In general, the majority of the HR decision-maker’s emotional competencies explain the

adoption of at least three high-performance HR practices.

The competencies that must explain the use of these practices are: self-control,

orientation towards success, time management, service orientation, promotion of?

cooperation and conflict management, building internal relationships and


In addition, it must be highlighted that the motivation-related HR practices of Salary

incentives and Equity in fixed salary are the practices that are almost always not

conditioned by managers’ emotional competencies.

An important conclusion for SMEs in terms of the emotional competencies of their

owner-managers is that SMEs with managers high in emotional self-management will

undertake growth-oriented activities (improving the ability and motivation of the

employees) because the emotional competencies in which they are high (self-control,

orientation towards success, time management) are related to the manager’s

entrepreneurial orientation.

Similarly, if owner-managers in SMEs are high in emotional competencies related to

social awareness and relationship management (service orientation, promotion of

cooperation and conflict management, building internal relationships and

communication), the SMEs will build strong bonding internal social capital through the

encouragement of participation and teamwork as an opportunity for improving internal

networks inside the firm.

Given that it is desirable for managers to have a critical mass of emotional

competencies that include those in the three dimensions (self-management, social

awareness and relationship management), it would be a guarantee for SMEs to grow

based on strong internal bonds that would constitute a very important source of

competitive advantage for them.



