How Implementing Getting Things Done helped a young man move from dreaming to doing.

How Implementing Getting Things Done helped a young man move from dreaming to doing.

I have been fortunate to do work the universe intended me to do. Working with and for people. Most of my career I have been in the "helper" field in some form or another. Whether that be coaching, mentoring, training, or helping people through change. I do my best to stay connected to those I help. And I am grateful to still have many of them in my life. Here is an example of how being in the right job, doing the right things, can make a huge impact.

 I often receive a number of emails a month from those whom I have coached, attended my workshops, or training. But never as many as I have received since teaching the VitalSmarts Training GTD, The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. I imagine this is a result of having them learn a new set of behaviors and selecting a tool to support those behaviors prior to leaving class.

A few weeks ago, a new GTD practitioner emailed me. Here is what he said:

 "Joe, congratulations on making it a full year in new business. I am sure you are still loving what you do and are making a difference every day. 


I doubt you remember me, I'm fairly quiet and sat in the back of your classroom this past January. I may have come across as a bit disengaged. Truthfully, I was sent to the class by my managers. I had been struggling in my new role to manage all the "stuff" in my life. It wasn't far into the class that I began to see the reason why I was sent to the course. When we did the GTD mind sweep exercise, which I do 2-3 times a week now, I realized just how much I had been asking my mind to hold on to information. And just how much was falling through the cracks and causing me and those around me significant frustration. My relationships at home and work were suffering and it was a direct result of a mind that was being asked to do to much. 

I left your class and implemented my new trusted system immediately. Amazingly, as you promised, my life instantaneously got better. I felt less stressed, was able to be more present in my life, and was able to spend more time doing things I wanted to do but never had the time. 

At the end of the class, you asked us, 'if we had an external brain, a trusted system, handling all our stuff, what would we do with the freed up time? I think I wrote, clean the garage. Well, the garage got cleaned within two weeks of the class. As I reviewed the "higher horizons" section during my 3rd weekly review, I realized there was something that I had wanted to do but never thought possible, go back to school and get my Masters degree. I had it sitting in my "someday maybe list" since doing the original mind sweep. I decided to move it into a desired outcome, or project called: Begin Masters program by September of 2018.


Prior to implementing GTD, going back to school seemed impossible. It seemed too big and there was too much in my life already. After GTD, I was able to name the goal, and identify the next action steps that would move me closer to my Horizon of Focus. Here is what I came up with: 

 Desired outcome: Start Masters Program in September 2018

Next Action: Call university and schedule an appointment with a career advisor.

Next Action: Schedule time with financial aid office

Next Action: Fill out FAFSA

Next Action: Research the requirements for the program

Next Action: Register for Statistics Course

Next Action: Write Essay

Next Action: Write a letter requesting undergrad transcripts

Next Action: Select 3 people to write references

Next Action: Request references

Next Action: Fill out application

Next Action: Submit information.

 Breaking all of this into small parts, next actions, allowed me to easily walk through the process. In April of 2018, I received the acceptance letter. And I am happy to say I start my master program this September. 

 Joe, without you and your energy and enthusiasm you so effortlessly given in the classroom, I am not sure I would be on this new journey. Thank you for your time, energy, and your human approach to your work. I look forward to staying connected."

 Here is my promise to you. If you take my GTD course, you will learn the new behaviors and select a set of tools you can trust will help you get the right stuff done. The stuff that moves you closer to your Horizons of Focus.

 There are two ways you can attend the course:

Public Service Employee or Non-profit in Washington State:

Private or Public Sector leader, contact me about how you can bring this learning to your team.

Check out my blog for updates on new courses and opportunities to learn and grow.


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